Daniel's Life Change

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Danny was having a good time at the next morning. His parents only talked about their new invention at breakfast. Jazz never suspected anything and nobody talked to him. He went to school but stopped by the area where Sam and Tucker will be meeting him so they can go together.

His friends never suspected nor know a thing about his better control over his powers and about his adopted family. He felt guilty about keeping it a secret from his only friends. But for their sake he doesn't want th to get involved in the darker side of the world. Dazai told him that ordinary children like them will never even last a day in the darkness.

"Hey Danny, lets go to Nasty Burger after school." Tucker suggested.

"That place is very not hygienic Tucker!" Sam argued.

"Lets go somewhere else Tucker. I heard Dash will be there." Danny said. It's true that the quarterback will be there since he overheard it from Mickey.

"Oh well. We don't like Dash so where will we spend out time?" Tucker asked.

"How about we find a place for Danny to train his powers?" Sam suggested.

"Yeah we'll definitely need that." Tucker agreed.

"All right then a place to train then." Danny said. They arrived at school and he saw Natsume in his cat form watching them. He patted the cat first and went inside. He went to his locker and got his stuff.

"Hey! Fenturd, I just woke up in the wrong side of the bed! I need a nerd here to fit my locker!" A certain buff bully said. ( We all know who it is anyways. ) He grabbed Danny by the collar and slammed him in a locker. He closed the locker and locked Danny in. Once the hall where Danny is was cleared, a cat came in. The cat turned into Natsume. He opened the locker with a hairpin and let the boy out.

"Are you alright?" Natsume asked.

"I'm fine. At least I didn't get punched at the stomach this time." Danny answered. Natsume frowns at him.

"Where are your friends? Sam and Tucker, I believe?" He asked again.

"Their lockers aren't at this area. And their first class is different from mine." Danny answered.

You need to get to class. Your last one will be very interesting." Natsume said with a suspicious smile. Danny looked at him with a raised eyebrow. And proceeded to enter class. There hasn't been another ghost attack yet since Lunch Lady's. At their last class which is English class with Mr. Lancer. With Tucker and Sam.

"We have a guest today from the Eastern part of the Earth. In the Land of the Rising Sun. Do you know which country it is?" Lancer asked. Danny raises his hand to answer.

"Japan sir." Danny said.

"Correct Mr. Fenton. Now Japan is one of the most peaceful countries with the least crime rates." Lancer started.

'Peaceful my ass.' Danny thought. He knew all about the underground which is very well hidden from the government and police. If they found out then Japan will be ranked one of the most dangerous countries immediately.

'Who could it be?' Daniel thought. Possibly not Mori, Ranpo, and Taneda. So Natsume and Fukuzawa are the possible ones.

"Please welcome, Mr. Soseki Natsume and Mr. Yukichi Fukuzawa." Mr. Lancer said.

'Nailed it. But what's the motive?' Thought Danny.

"Hello children! I am Mr. Natsume and this is Mr. Fukuzawa. We're here to give you an introduction of the Eastern world." Natsume said.

"Any questions before we proceed?" Yukichi asked. Paulina raised her hand.

"Yes, miss..." Fukuzawa said.

"Sanchez, Mr. Fukuzawa. Is it necessary to learn about the Eastern world?" Paulina asked in a sassy way. Now that was a stupid question for the nerds and geeks in that classroom.

"Ms. Sanchez, have you ever thought about the world or at least have a curiosity about it. The Eastern world is very different from the Western one which you are very used to. Some customs here can disrespect the customs there. Which can possibly cause an international problem. You will see that people there values respect and politeness. If you do not know how to be polite then you will make conflicts." Fukuzawa answered.

"But not only that but you might cause a fight between two countries or more depending on alliance with other countries. Do not take the Eastern world lightly for it might be your end. Do not judge a book by its cover. For that world is very dangerous no matter what others say. What you see is a lie but at the same time the truth. Make conflicts with who you look down and you will be the one to look up. One step you live then the other you die. The smallest can cause the biggest even wars, deaths, and plagues. One mistake can cause the end of the one you love the most. This is the reality you will face once you become an adult. Not just for the Eastern world but here too. One tiny step can change anyone's life. Life is very cruel even to the kindest people, who also suffer. Do remember that boys and girls." Natsume said.

This caught everyone's attention. They were teenagers but the words from his mouth was a wake up call even for the most bored and laziest people. Daniel was already given this speech from Yuki considering her job and his. Paulina was silent for once in class. Natsume is always the inspiration of the ability users up until now even Dazai and Fyodor.

"Anyone else?" Natsume asked. Nobody raised their hands nor budge even Mr. Lancer who was also deep in thought by his words.

"If no one will ask then let's discuss our original topic then." Fukuzawa said. They talked about Geography, culture and how to act around Eastern people. They viewed about landmarks there even Mount Fuji was discussed. But nobody said a word about what Natsume said earlier. Classes ended quickly and Fukuzawa made a hand sign to Danny to meet at Yuki's after school.

Dash never bothered them on their way out of school. Tucker and Sam were arguing about meat and veggies again so Danny groaned in frustration. This caught their attention.

"What's wrong Danny?" Tucker asked.

"You two are arguing about meat and veggies AGAIN. You might even make two protests in one night too like last time with Lunch Lady." Danny reminded. He looked at his left and saw Mori, Elise and Natsume in cat form spying in him.

"Sorry about that Danny and I need to go because Mom is planning to replace my clothes again with those horrible pink dresses. Tucker how about you?" Sam asked.

"Going to buy a new PDA. Dad is paying for it too. Danny?" Tucker answered.

"Gotta go somewhere for Mom. Then see ya tomorrow." Danny lied as they say their goodbyes. Then confronted Mori and the others with him.

"Why are you following me?" Danny asked.

"To see the only friends of one of my wards of course." Mori said. Then dragged Danny back to Yuki's where Fyodor was waiting outside. He led them inside and called the others who are waiting for them. The rest gathered to the living room.

"Alright it's time to discuss the finalization of our plans with the rest of our allies including the other nations that sided with us." Natsume announced as they sat with computer screens in front of the sofas they sat on.

(A/N: Sorry for the late update here. I'm sure you've been itching for the update. But finally school is over at my place. But I don't know if I can still write considering I'm slowly losing inspiration. So I'm planning on ending it at the next chapter and make a part two once I get my inspiration again. So the next chapter will contain the war. It will be long one too, I promise.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2021 ⏰

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