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Danny was walking down the street to his Aunt Yuki's residence. Fyodor is with her today since they have nothing to do. He doesn't know how to explain to them about being half-ghost. Yuki might go ballistic on his parents and Fyodor might be the same except more dangerously. He reached their home and knocked. Yuki opened and invited him in. Fyodor was sitting in the living room's couch.

"Danny what a surprise! We were expecting you to come later." Fyodor said. Danny smiled sheepishly and this made Fyodor suspicious.

"Hey dad. I need to tell you guys something." Danny said. Yuki made eye contact to Fyodor and he nodded. Yuki sat beside him.

"What is it? I never seen you this nervous before unless it's related to your biological parents' embarrassments or something serious." He said.

"You see my parents finished building the ghost portal in our basement. Then when they showed it to me and Jazz. They tried to open it but it never worked. We went back upstairs and I met up with my friends. Tucker and Sam visited me that day. I told them about the portal and Sam suggested that we take a look. I told her my parents will kill me if I did. But my parents left so no room for arguments. We went inside the lab and Sam suggested that I should check the inside. She managed to convince me." Daniel explained then paused. Yuki looked worried and Fyodor narrowed his eyes. He was on to him before he could even finish. He gulped and continued.

"I wore my Hazmat suit which my parents made for me. It's black and white since orange doesn't suit me. I entered the portal then accidentally tripped. I tried to hold onto the wall so I wouldn't fall face first on the floor. I accidentally pushed an on button in the portal..." Daniel paused. Fyodor looked pissed along with his Aunt Yuki. When they first met he tried to avoid the rat. They warmed up to each other when the realized that they both have similar interests.
Fyodor has been a perfect father figure that he ever had. He tried everything to earn his trust from the very start.

"Please continue, don't mind us. Talk to the end." Fyodor said with a devious smile. He looked like he was about to murder someone. Everyone in Yokohama cared about Daniel as he was the youngest and most precious baby in the Tripartite.

"I was enveloped by green light. All I felt was pain. I screamed at the top of my lungs and blacked out. Then I woke up my friends Sam and Tucker looked at me with worry. I asked what happened and they showed me to a mirror. They told me I looked different and I looked. My hair was white, my eyes are green, my skin tanned a bit, and my Hazmat suit's colors inverted. I screamed then rings of light appeared and one went and the other down. I looked again in the mirror then I was back to normal. That's it." Danny said. He looked at them again if looks could kill he would've already been dead.

Fyodor looked like he was about to murder someone and desecrate their corpses. Yuki looks like she was about to stab someone multiple times. They're both pissed as hell that their scary looks fits them. Fyodor Dostoevsky and Shiroyuki Yukimura the duo that was formed after their marriage. The White Couple, they defeated multiple organizations in one night. That they rival the three generations of Soukokus. Fyodor is the brains and Yuki is the force like Soukoku. But sometimes Fyodor is also a force if needed or he feels like it. Yuki calmed down first and pat Fyodor's back for him to calm down too. He did and took deep breaths.

"Daniel do you have an idea of what happened to you?" Yuki asked first.

"My parents say that ghosts and their realm are made out of ectoplasm. So I have a brief idea that the ectoplasm fused with my DNA. That's why survived being electrocuted and I became half human and half ghost. Because I have two forms, my inverted must be the ghost part. " Danny explained.

"So you mean that YOU ARE HALF ALIVE AND HALF DEAD?!" Fyodor screamed his question out of frustration. Danny nodded sheepishly knowing that Fyodor is very furious with his irresponsible parents right now.

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