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Fyodor, Yuki, and Danny were waiting at the airport for their friends. They keep their heads up until Danny saw a familiar orange head with familiar companions.

"Tanizaki-san! There he is." Danny pointed out.

"Danny long time no see. It's been a while." Tanizaki said. He reached out his hand and ruffled his hair. Danny tried to swat his hand off. The others laughed at his efforts.

"So how's life treating you after the incident?" Kouyou asked.

"Fine but I got banned for handling fragile objects for breaking beakers." Danny answered. He looked at Kajii and noticed he was looking in his suspiciously heavy bag. Yuki and Fyodor lead them to the van that Mori prepared before they met. When they entered the van, Danny took the bag Kajii was looking in. It was full of lemon bombs!

"Kajii-san, please dispose this when we get to your hotel. Kouyou please see to it that he disposes them." Danny said. Kajii looked like he was a kicked puppy while the others just laughed.

"How did he get them passed the metal detectors?" Yuki asked.

"That's trade secret, my dear." Kajii answered. Then Fyodor jabbed his side hard before he started the van.

"Oh come on! Must you jab me if I call your beloved wife and son dear and my boy?!" Kajii asked in pain.

"Yes, you annoying, and crazy mutt." Fyodor answered with a smirk. Kajii pouted and this increases the laughter. They just went along to the hotel which is just a 5-minute walk to Fyodor and Yuki's residence. They were quite comfortable with the hotel and the walking distance is acceptable for both parties.

"We will start with you tomorrow. Do you have any plans, lad?" Kouyou asked Danny.

"Nope. Dazai please do not hang yourself at the window. I can see you there." Danny said. As he looks behind Gin. Tsujimura smacked Dazai with a book and dragged him away from the window.

"Your no fun Danny." Dazai pouted.

"Because your our suicidal maniac." Tsujimura said. They all laughed at the end. They had lunch at Yuki's and spent the time catching up with each other and missions they went.

"Hey, Danny what do you plan in using your powers?" Tsujimura asked.

"Basically I don't know. But I might use it to help me in some situations. Let me think about it." Danny answered while having deep thoughts.

"Let the boy think about it later after he masters them. He's still young and undecided with his future. And Kajii throw your bombs hidden in your pants to the trash." Yuki said.

"Yuki is a killjoy." Kajii said then pouted with sorrow.

"You can't hide any of your bombs from us. If you make even a single explosion we will ask for Yosano. You know very well she won't hold back on you especially anything related to your shenanigans. I know that very well as you do." Tanizaki said and shivered. He remembered the time he fooled around and got himself and some members of the agency injured. Yosano saw it and gave Tanizaki the unforgettable. Kajii also shivered knowing full well what he meant.

"I think everyone knows full well of the horror of Yosano's ability. Except a lucky and suicidal maniac that we know." Tsujimura commented.

"Why, thank you milady. How about joining me in a double suicide?" Dazai invited.

"Oh joy. How about NO. I'm quite needed by Gifted and Special Abilities Division." Tsujimura rejected.

"Another rejection by a beautiful maiden!" Dazai said with dramatics. Everyone just laughed at his usual actions. Nobody can make them laugh this much unless he or she is a Dazai.

"Gin-nee, you've been very quiet. You can talk if you want. Nobody here is to judge." Danny said to her. She just shakes her head. Meaning she still won't talk.

"Oh come on Gin-chan. At least one word but loud enough for everyone to hear? You have such a pretty voice yet you refuse to talk to any of us. It's just us after all." Kajii said. He earned a look on the face by Gin.

Everything went well during the transition of batches.

Akutagawa and Atsushi's batch was quite a disaster considering their hatred/ love relationship. Higuchi and Kyouka did their best to keep their arguments toned down. Yosano healed (dissected/torture) the boys including Ango, and Danny. Danny May have a healing factor but it was slow and Ango sometimes gets injured along the way. It was a mass torturing session that whole week. Higuchi and Kyouka seem more focused not to get injured than stopping them. But tried their best to stop the boys. Ango got what he needed from the lab in the Fenton's basement. He sent them to the others to conclude everything that Dazai discovered while he was there.

It was a miracle that the were able to keep things under wraps even with Ango's help from his friends and neighborhood. Considering the destruction that they caused throughout their stay. When it was time for the next batch which is Kunikida's. Danny prayed to any God above that this will go well.

Kunikida, Katai, and Hirotsu weren't a problem but Chuuya's loudness and Tachi's bad boy attitude are the problems. Sam and Tucker almost discovered them after Tachihara made a big mistake to fire a gun out of boredom. At least Chuuya has some control but Tachi is out of the question. Hirotsu of course, gave him a gruelling punishment after Kunikida was able to save their secret.
Katai used his ability to get rid any evidence of what occurred. They were probably the least problematic group that Danny stayed with out of all the 3 batches.

Yuki and Fyodor just watched and chuckled at their predicaments. Even the others laughed at them for something obviously stupid. Like Kajii's lemon bombs, Dazai's suicides, Tachi's stupid mess ups, Akutagawa's Dazai rants, Atsushi's chazuke cravings, Kyouka's tofu and crepes cravings, Kunikida's screams of frustration because of Tachihara, Hirotsu's tired sighs also because of Tachihara, Chuuya's ramblings and drinking if ever someone mentions Dazai's name and lastly Higuchi's pinning over Akutagawa even though it's obvious that he is dating Atsushi. She and the Port Mafia were oblivious to that except, of course for Gin and Chuuya. Gin because this is about her brother and Chuuya because of Dazai's ramblings.

The approaching last batch makes Danny a bit sad. Since he won't be able to see them together again that much anymore like the past 3 years. But this is when everything gets interesting since this is the week of the first major fight.

(A/N: I will not be able to post the next chapter next week. Maybe at the first Friday of April. I got a busy week this March.)

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