Final Batch and Incoming War

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Danny bid Kunikida's batch farewell as he welcomes the last batch to visit them. The awaited batch for him. Meeting his godfathers, grandfather, and uncle was quite exciting. Since they were the least to visit him in America considering they were the leaders of the major powers of the Tripartite Framework. Mori decided That they would head straight to the hotel and go to Yuki's. And insisted that they don't need to be picked up by Danny's adopted family. Fyodor assured them th a they can handle themselves considering Mori wouldn't be childish since Natsume is with them. He respects the guy after all.
They were a bit late since supposedly they should be there during his fight with Lunch Lady by that time.

"Hello my baby godson!!!" Speaking of the devil. Mori shouted, running then jumped to cuddle Danny. Between his arms he was struggling at the death grip Mori was giving to the hug.

"Let the poor kid go Ougai! Look at him! He's uncomfortable and being squeezed by you!" Natsume shouted at a distance. Mori let go and pouted.

"Sorry about him Yuki, Fyodor, and Danny." Taneda apologized.

"No need for apologies, we're all friends here after all." Yuki said.

"Long time no see. I trust that you had no issues while in the long journey?" Fyodor asked.

"No issues at all. Except for Ranpo's decision to try to pack a 10 kilogram bag of sweets. We got a little held up by security." Fukuzawa replied. And Ranpo who was behind him pouted and pulled a bag of sweets from heaven knows where.

"I see that you got here a little late. You missed Danny's first big fight with a ghost." Yuki said.

"You've got to be kidding me?! His first major fight with a ghost and I missed it! I want to record it while I am here! Next time you decide to fight a ghost please do record." Mori said with childish rage. Everyone laughed at Mori's childishness.

"Rintaro is an embarrassment." Elise said with confidence. This further made the laughter louder.

"Ohhh, Elise-chan your embarrassing me." Mori said with a pout.

"I stand corrected. By the ways, do you have cake?" Elise asked.

"Yes, we prepared it while the last batch were here. We even asked Chuuya and Tachihara for any preferences since they always accompany you in dessert." Fyodor said. He led them to the living room.

Danny went to the kitchen to get some short cakes for Elise. Yuki talked to Fukuzawa and Taneda about traditional japanese and the ghost fight Danny did with Lunch Lady. While Fyodor talked to Mori, Ranpo, and Natsume about plans on how to make Danny more controlled with his powers. Elise was busy eating cake with Danny for company. They were having fun at Elise's teasing at Mori. They were an amusing pair to begin with. It was 5:30 pm when they went out to eat dinner. Danny didn't dare lead them to Nasty Burger since its food is too greasy for their tastes especially Taneda and Fukuzawa.

"How about that restaurant?" Taneda asked. It was a nice restaurant not too greasy, not too shabby, and a but new in the area.

"Yeah let's go with that. The food's nice anyways since Fyo and I went on a date there once in our anniversary."
Yuki commented.

They had their dinner and went home. Danny asked Natsume to talk to him in private for a while. They used one of the spare rooms at Yuki's residence.

"I heard rumours about a war coming up between world governments and ability users. Is it true?" Danny asked.

"I'm afraid to tell you that it is true my boy." Natsume said.

"But why?! We followed their rules not to involve normal people! Why will they betray our trust?!" Danny asked.

"They fear our power and they believe that we must be in leashes. Port Mafia and every single one of ability organizations are allying with each other to prevent that. If not at least win the war to make them stop." Natsume said.

"How about everyone in the ADA and Gifted and Special Abilities Division?" Danny asked fearing for the worst. Natsume lowered his head and this confirmed his fears.

"No no no no! They can't! If that happens. Ango, Tsujimura, Fuku-jisan! Wait how about Yatsu-jisan?! Many from the government wants to execute him!" Danny asked in panic.

"CALM down. I know that you know that all of us wants to prevent this war. If it happens Tsujimura will rescue him and take him to a hidden place near Port Mafia and ADA. Ango and Taneda will hide in ADA. And those who ally with us will come." Natsume said. Putting his hands on his shoulders. Danny was shaking. Everything in his world is shaking too. He doesn't want to lose someone. Natsume gave a tight hug.

"Listen Danny, those from Gifted and Special Abilities Division will try to stall this war or at least stop it from happening. Our best bet that it will happen a few months after Christmas. Or if not at January. So please don't do anything rash and stay here unless we give you any indication that we were able to stop the war. If not we will signal you to pack your things and someone will pick you up. You will return to Yokohama and stay there for your own safety. Once the war starts they will do a mass killing of Ability users who are not in groups." Natsume said. Danny stopped shaking and nodded. He took the boy to his room and made sure he fell asleep. He went to the living room and saw the others there.

"How did it go?" Mori asked.

"Bad. Taneda how is the progress of negotiations going?" Natsume asked.

"We're trying our best to stall them but they won't budge about going through with it." Taneda reported.

"The Port Mafia and other organizations are doing our best making agricultural and economical problems all over the world to stall the government from doing the war immediately. Europe, Russia, China, and Southeast Asia has sided with the Ability users. And we are gathering everything we need do the war." Mori reported.

"ADA has been solving all the remaining cases we have before we temporarily shut down and go into hiding. We are also finding other ability users who are new with their ability or alone. To take them into safety and teach. We currently found 30. 20 are foreigners and 10 are Japanese." Fukuzawa reported.

"Good job you three. How about your side Yuki, Fyodor?"

"We hacked the systems and infiltrated some government buildings that will be involved in the war and managed to create an accident in the deliveries of guns and bombs. And there has been sightings of ghosts around the area." Fyodor said.

"Good. All we need to do is wait for the outcome of our labour and hope for the best. Especially for Danny here. He already experienced 2 wars while he was still in Yokohama. He's still too traumatized by the last one. My grandson please be alright." Natsume said while looking at the sky through the windows.

(A/N: Sorry for the late update. I have very sad news. I won't be able to post as fast as I used to be due to school work but I won't abandon this. So please bear with me.)

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