1:03 | Levi x (Male) Reader

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Prompt- AU where the reader has late-night cravings
Male Pronouns

Modern AU

It's that feeling that you get when there's an itch that no matter how hard you try, you can't tame or sooth it at all. Although this time was a little different. The itch was over your whole body and the only medicine that could help was giving in. What were you craving- you may ask- sweets.

Normally, you had the discipline and didn't pig out yet now, at ungodly hours of the night, you couldn't do it if your life was on the line. You stared at the ceiling, the feeling of unease engulfing you entirely. Well, maybe you were being a bit dramatic but still- you really wanted something sweet. Thoughts about what could possibly suit you filled your head.

Ice cream? Brownies? Cookies? Cupcakes? Perhaps chocolates? Maybe Marshmallows?

(a/n marshmallows are spelled like that apparently. is it just me or did you think it was spelled marshmellows too?! anyway sorry-)

After about another 5 minutes of silence, you turned over to your bed buddy/boyfriend- Levi. Usually, he was a night owl and got very little sleep. That's why when you looked over to see him sleeping soundly, you were a little surprised. Though you needed to pacify your cravings, Levi needed sleep more. That's what lead you to crawling out of bed as quietly and smoothly as possible. Every once in a while Levi would adjust or make a small noise causing you to freeze. The whole process took about 20 minutes. Then once you were out of bed, you needed to get changed. Navigating the floorboards as subtly as possible, you reached the closet, pulled on one of Levi's large grey hoodies and some matching grey sweat pants- making sure that you stuffed your wallet inside. Making your way out of the apartment and into the street, you could finally breathe.

After taking a deep breath and glancing around quickly you turned right and made your way towards the grocery store about three blocks away. The air was cold given it was still winter and the snow that covered everything and fell around you only proved it more. Continuing forward you walked until you saw the store up ahead. After getting in the store you relished in its warmth before quickly remembering your mission. Weaving through the isles, you came to your destination: the candy and sweets section. Glancing around you realized that there were too many things that you wanted. You walked to the front of the store, grabbed a basket, and walked back to the section. You grabbed many things. Ice cream, baked goods, chocolates, and more. By the time you were done the basket was almost completely full.

Satisfied with your haul, you carried it up to the cashier. He gave you some weird looks but overall scanned up your items without a complaint. After bagging and making sure you had all your items your grabbed your stuff and walked out of the grocery store.

Levi's POV

The first thing I thought of when waking up was noting the lack of heat on my side. Y/n had a habit of cuddling up to me and honestly, it helped me sleep. That's why when the contact I craved was gone, I shot up. The room was dark, causing me to use my hands to feel for him. I was hoping that maybe he had shifted and moved away for some reason.

The bed was empty.

I hurried out of bed and turned the light on.
I quickly looked in the bathroom.
The kitchen?
I raced around our apartment.
I'm the only one here.

Fear raced through me as I ran back to the bedroom. I looked through my clothes, noticing how a set of mine was missing, before putting on a pair of black sweatpants and a sweatshirt. The good news was that he probably wasn't kidnapped. That thought made me a little more at ease but still, I needed to find him.

Rushing out the door, I barely registered the harsh cold on my face as I turned right. With any hope, he ran to the store to get something. The store wasn't that far so I could sprint it and not be out of breath. My legs moved quickly.

1 block down.

Though this may have been an overreaction, this had never happened before. I didn't sleep that well so usually any tiny movement woke me up yet here I was, sprinting to find Y/n after I failed to wake up.

2 blocks down.

The store was in sight but before I could even register its bright lights that signaled that it was open, Y/n came into sight- bags in hand. I didn't stop until I was barely five feet away. Screeching to a halt my hands went to his shoulders.

"Where did you go? Why did you leave? Are you okay?" I hurled questions at him.

He looked a little dumbfounded before smiling.

"I was craving sweets?" He answered sweetly, looking at me with puppy dog eyes.

I quickly glanced at my phone.

"At 1:03 in the morning! Baby, why didn't you wake me?"

"You need sleep." He said quietly.

My face softened. He went out alone because he wanted me to sleep. Classic Y/n.

"I see what you mean but no, you should've woken me up. I wouldn't have minded. I was so scared when I woke up and you weren't there. A note would've been good too. I love you Y/n. Please don't scare me like that again okay?"

He nodded with a small smile. I smiled back. Holding my hand out, I waited for him to give me two bags and for his empty hand to take mine before turning and walking back to our apartment.

After walking for a couple of minutes we made it back within the warmth of our home. Y/n and I set the things on the table, the 2 bags he had previously been holding as well as the two I had carried. He emptied them out, his face getting brighter and brighter as he emptied the bags.

"How about a movie, yeah?" I asked.

He nodded happily as I looked for a movie to watch. After finding one we set on the couch- after movie his haul to the coffee table. He started snacking as soon as the movie started, occasionally feeding me some- which I loved.

About 15 minutes in I had a thought. I moved my head near his, relishing in the smell of his shampoo.

"How about I keep stuff stocked up here? That way you can have things whenever and won't have to leave. It'll help avoid another scare like tonight."

He hummed in response as I smile. The movie continued as I spaced off, mentally making a list of what to buy tomorrow.

a/n- Thoughts and requests are appreciated as always!

𝐀𝐎𝐓 𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒/𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐎𝐒Where stories live. Discover now