Chocolate Milkshake | Reiner x Reader

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Prompt- Road trip with Reiner

Modern AU

Despite the yellow lines being small strips, the speed of the car made them blur together. The line continued in both directions, forever straight and unchanging.

"Your gonna hurt your neck."

You turned to look at your boyfriend Reiner. He sat in the drivers seat, glancing at you before looking back to the road.

"I'm young i'll be fine."

"Yeah you're gonna wish you listened to me when your 80."

"Yeah yeah, whatever."

You didn't want to listen to his advise but staring at a line was starting to get boring.

"How much longer?" He chuckled at your impatience.

"It's only been 2 hours doll. You'll die of boredom at this rate."

"Then help entertain me. Did we bring anything to do?"

"Not really. I have an idea though, how about you go to sleep and in a couple hours, or when you wake up, we'll stop at a diner or something for dinner. Sound good?"

You nodded reluctantly, despite your chronic boredom, you didn't want to sleep. After pulling a blanket and pillow out of the back row and reclining your seat, you curled sideways on the chair and pulled the blanket up. Taking a few moments to get comfy, you looked back at Reiner. His eyes faced forward but after a moment they glanced to you and softened before meeting your eyes. He smiled slightly and put one of his hands on the side of your thigh. You smiled back before letting your eyes flutter closed, you mind drifting to sleep.

"Y/n. Y/n." Hushed words urged you to open your eyes.

You groaned a no in response while snuggling further into the seat. A hand on your shoulder shook you slightly. You peaked an eye open to see Reiner in front of you, his body turned so that he was facing you.

"Y/n as much as i'd love to let you sleep, it's been 7 hours and everything's gonna be closed soon. Come on, let's have dinner and then you can go back to bed okay?"

You, slowly, took the warm blanket off you, shivering at the contact of the cold air. You stepped out of the car, stretching your body and muscles as much as possible before standing normally. You barely had time to shiver again before you were blinded by a cloth. The huge fabric fell over your body as you head peeped out and you were able to see again. That's when you noticed that the cloth that was put over you was Reiner's hoodie. The huge black material was soft and engulfed you nearly to your knees. It's was warm and smelled like him too. Heaven.

He slung his arm over your shoulder, chuckling at your reaction, and started walking with you to the diner. The bell rang as the two of you entered and an older woman came to great you.

"Hello! How many?" Her voice was kind as she started to pick up menus.

"Uh two." Reiner answered.

"Table or booth?"

Reiner glanced to you.

"Booth!" You said excitedly.

Reiner nodded as the woman smiled and began to lead you further into the building. She lead you to red leather seated booth that had widow on the inside. You sat on one side while Reiner sat on the other. After opening your menus the lady left to give you time to decide. After a few minutes she returned and took your order.

"What would you like to drink young man?"

"Water please." Reiner answered.

"And you young lady?"

𝐀𝐎𝐓 𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒/𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐎𝐒Where stories live. Discover now