Martinis | Connie x Reader

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Prompt- robbing a bank with Connie

Obviously this is depicting a crime, i don't condone it but don't get mad in the comments or anything lol

"I can't believe you talked me into this shit." you muttered to Connie who was in front of you.

The two of you were crawling though the ceiling, more specifically an air vent in the ceiling.

Connie had approached you two months ago, explaining a detailed plan and making you an offer you couldn't refuse.

The plan?

Rob a bank.

One that held millions in its pure steel vaults behind tight security that would kill to protect its contents.

I was called the 'The Untouchable Vault' by many, even the workers not having access to the inside. That's what intrigued you, that's why you agreed to help him. You'd split it 50/50 with him. The total was unknown but still guaranteed to be extremely valuable- making you rich without question.

That's what you were doing now, getting the job done while praying Connie had enough brain cells to make the whole thing work. You, of course, checked the plan over and found it was solid, but Connie was leading you- his actions dictated the future.

Would you be sipping martinis in Rio de Janeiro, or hoarding food in a prison cell? The thought made you shiver. Connie was... well Connie. Funny and friendly but not exactly a master mind.

"Almost there..." he murmured, the sound of metal moving exposing slightly before a pop. "Got it!" he exclaimed in a whisper.

You watched Connie pull the grate up and set it on the other side, sliding his body down through the hole while holding onto the edge, letting his body flip and hang right-side-up before letting go and dropping.

You followed suit, your feet landed on the floor and absorbing the impact though your legs before extending and standing up.

"Untouchable my ass." you scoffed.

It's was glorious. Hundreds of stacks of green paper all piled together and waiting for the taking. Some gold bars sat in the corner catching your eye, the color mesmerizing and your body subconsciously talking at step towards it.

"They're not worth it. They'll be heavy and slow us down, not to mention they'll attract attention. Load the cash." you said to yourself and Connie, turning back to the stacks of green and smiling.

Connie and you loaded the biggest bills first, moving onto the slightly less valuable ones when those were all shoved in the duffle bags. The two of you stopped when the bags were filled to the brim, the zipper bulging out and unable to hold another bill.

The two of you escaped the way you came, army crawling through the vent but this time with a load on your backs. It was slightly harder with the weight but you knew it would be worth it. Definitely worth it.

Connie and you held a satisfied grin on your faces as you got in the car, smoothly driving away without an alarm going off.

Martinis it was.

a/n- ik this is kinda short and for that i apologize, but i'd love to know your thoughts and see your comments. i'd also love it if you'd consider following me- maybe?:)

whats your ideal living spot? (ex-
city, mountains)

this was requested by the beautiful captain-chocolate

i truly love all of you so much<3

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