Cone - Alternate Ending | Eren x (Short) Reader

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Prompt- Eren and Reader go to an amusement park but read it too short to ride a rollercoaster

This is an alternate ending to Cone | Eren x Reader

⚠️TW: VIOLENCE AND BLOOD- Also swearing⚠️

Modern AU

"Your fucking sexist!" Eren almost laughed.

"Listen here, you leave her alone got it? Take back what you said."


"Let us on." Eren demanded, stepping forward to challenge the man.

"I said no, she's too short. Now leave!"

"No your gonna let her on the da-"

"Eren can we please just go?"

Eren glanced down at you, seeing you plead with him not to make a scene.

"I'm sorry sweetheart but this asshole needs to learn that he can't talk to people like that. Especially not you."

"What the hell did you call me?"

"I called you an asshole."

The guys face turned read as his grip on the stick tightened. His other hand was still held in front of you, also clenched. You shied away from it for a moment before Eren grabbed his forearm and pushed it away roughly.

"Now just who do you think you are? I work here and run this ride you can't come in here and tell me what to do." The man outraged.

"I think I have the authority to tell you to back off though."

"No you don't."

"Yes I do."

"No. Now let us on the ride." Eren threatened.

The guy nodded a firm no before turning to his colleague across the tracks.

"Get security!"

"No. Don't fucking call anyone! We'll work this out ourselves now you either let us on or apologize and let us leave."

"No." He said before grabbing your forearm and beginning to literally drag you away.

"Come with me."

"The hell she is! Give her back."

Eren's hand grabbed the mans forearm again and pushed him away while the other arm snaked around your torso and pulled you back against his chest. When the man finally let go you could couple see a couple red marks on the skin, and they were likely to get worse based on how much they hurt. Eren looked down at your arm sadly, tenderly touching it for a moment before looking back up and glaring at the man.

"What the fuck? Why'd you touch her? She would've listened you didn't need to
fucking grab her. Look at her arm!" Eren nearly screamed.

"Let's go!" The man demanded while going to grab you another time.

Eren's body swiveled quickly, turning you away from the old man, still pressed to him, while his other arm stretched out and placed his hand in the mans chest, giving it a good push. The man stumbled back a few steps before falling. Eren snickered a little beside you but overall kept his composure. The clerk only got angrier as he got up, after some wobbling, and glared at Eren.

"You bitch!"

He grabbed the stick he had used to measure you and charged forward, cocking it back to swing. Eren barely flinched as his arm unwound from you and he stood with his back to you, facing the crazed man. As expected, the guys swung the stick, aiming to hit Eren's face but before it could reach him Eren's arm shot out and stopped it immediately.

The man tried to push and pull but to no avail, the stick wouldn't budge. The man tried one last time but when he finished Eren jerked his arm back, the man too exerted to stop him as the stick left him. Eren glanced back and handed the stick to you, letting you hold it. You did so as Eren stalked forward and stood face to face with the man.

"Say sorry."


Eren nodded before his fist whipped up and socked the man in the nose, a disgusting crunch could be heard as the man started to wail in pain.

Eren didn't stop though and did it again and again before the man fell over. But even then Eren sent a strong kick to his side and sat on his chest, continuing to punch him ruthlessly. The crowd cheered at the spectacle and Eren was probably driving the man closer to death by the second.

Eren's overall body was well built and really strong, he loved to show it off by lifting you with one arm, crushing apples, pretty much anything he could. He prided himself of opening jars too.

Sirens wailed in distance as you came back to reality. You surged forward, grabbing Eren's hand while it was cooked back to strike. He moved only an inch of two before registering the feeling and stopped. He looked up to you.

His face was splattered with a bit of blood and his hair was messy. His knuckles were split and covered with blood while his chest heaved with adrenaline underneath his blood- splattered shirt.

"I think that's enough." You said softly.

You both looked down at the man who was unrecognizable. His hair looked red with all the blood that soaked into it and his shirt doing the same. His face was completely covered in deep thick blood and you could tell his nose, cheek, and a small section of his forehead was caved in. His breath was very shallow and his eyes were so swollen they couldn't see.

"Shit." Eren said, standing up and moving away while taking you with him.

The sirens got closer as he debated what to do.

"Listen we don't run okay? We'll work it out and i'm sure we can scrape bail money together okay?" He nodded glumly before pulling you into him, hugging you tightly.

"I'm sorry I got carried away, Y/n"

"Don't worry about it. He deserved it anyway."

"I am going to be in so much trouble."

"Yeah. Yeah you are. At least he's alive?"

"Sadly." Eren said softly so only you could hear.

You giggled a little bit and hugged him back tighter.

A couple more minutes passed before Eren was pulled away from you and hand cuffed. He didn't fight them as they shoved him into the back of the cop car.

"We'll talk soon yeah?"

"Of course. Be careful and don't cause any more trouble."

"Yes ma'am." He joked.

"Ha ha very funny." You replied drily.

"Seriously though, I love you Y/n"

"I love you too."

The cops slammed the door closed and drove off. Looking around you could see people gathered to watch and see what was going on. A white gurney was rushed out of the attraction and into an ambulance. They only wasted a second before driving off too.

"Damn asshole." You muttered to yourself before making your way out of the park.

Your glanced down at your forearm and say the bruises shaped to the mans fingers. Eren's gonna be so pissed. You thought before continuing forward.

"I guess that means no fancy dinner next week." You said glumly before getting in your car and driving to the police station.

a/n- Happy March everyone! This was an alternate ending i had hinted at and was asked to do so here it is! I appreciate all thoughts and requests so feel free to leave some

ALSO- This book is up to 10k reads! Yaaay! Thank you sm!

If your reading this, your beautiful<3

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