Size | Moblit x (Short) (Chubby) Reader

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Prompt- Reader is short and gets teased for it, but Moblit is there to protect her

*Also- being shorter makes it easier to be chubbier so to cater to the general audience this is also a chubby comfort too

The world had always been the same for you, the view never changing. Until, you were on top of wall Maria. The world seemed to small, exactly how you felt most of the time. Trees and things of the sort that seemed large on the ground were now tiny and hardly visible due to the height you were at.

"How's it feel Y/n?"


You turned to see your comrade, James.

James stood at 5'9 with short blonde hair and an attitude that loved to tease anyone- especially you and not in a friendly way.

"Being tall for once, although-" He stepped closer to you, "your still short."


"Aww are you salty? Don't worry not everyone can win the genes lottery although one look at you and I can tell... you didn't win anything." He laughed.

You looked away, thinking of something to say but not being able to think of anything.

"And what's that suppose to mean?" A voice behind you sounded.

You turned to see you boyfriend, Moblit, waking closer with an upset look on his face.

"It just means that Gods cruel and clearly plays favorites I mean look at her, she-"

"She's perfect."

"She's short a-"

"And what? Beautiful? Because you better finish that sentence with a compliment before I finish you by throwing you off this wall."

"Come on dude, she's short an-"

"Height has nothing to do with it. So what if she's small? She's got more compassion and human decency than you do. Maybe that place was taken up by your ignorance and height because news flash dickwad: judging people based on size and physical appearance is shallow and stupid."

James stood there wide eyed and open-mouthed, gaping and unable to comprehend his next words.


"I'm going to apologize, right? That's what you were about to say?" Moblit answered for him.

"Uh y-yeah I was um..." James turned to you, his face flustered and embarrassed, "I'm sorry."

"Right we'll you can leave now then." Moblit ordered, James nodded and left.

"Hey." Moblit turned to you, his eyes scanning your figure before looking into your eyes with intense love and concentration.

"Hey." You answered.

"You okay? Listen- don't listen to that douche. He's just so insecure about his personality that he resorts to physical affirmation of himself to feel better by crushing everyone else. Plus," He hugged you from behind and placed his chin on the top of your head gently, "I couldn't do this if you were tall."

You smiled as you hugged his arms that were wrapped around your torso, you and him swaying gently.

"Yeah but-"

"No buts Y/n. Your perfect."

"Yeah but if I was taller maybe I wouldn't be so... chubby. If I were taller maybe i'd be skinnier and-"

"And what Y/n? More desirable? More beautiful? What Y/n? I don't possibly see how a height difference would change anything. You don't seem to grasp that i'm not just attracted to your looks. Your beautiful brain and personality is what I love. I love you as a person, not just your physical form but your actions and character. And yeah, I love your body so so what if your short and chubby? It's your body and I love you. Plus, being chubby doesn't make you ugly or unattractive at all. I find it adorable how since you're small, I can help you reach things, I can pick you up easily, and I like how I can protect you and support you.
'And I will always protect you Y/n. I always want to be here when you laugh, cry, smile, rage- all of it. I want to be with you when your having fun or sleeping, when your doing simple stuff or exploring a new thing. I want to make you smile and I want to comfort you while you cry. I want to be with you when your confident and love yourself and make you feel better when you feel sad or insecure. I want to defend you whenever you need me and I want to keep you safe in my arms every night.
'I knew what I was getting into when I met you, when I asked you out, and when I first said 'I love you'. And guess what Y/n? I'm still here. I haven't left and I still say 'I love you'. I'm not leaving unless you tell me to. So go ahead and criticize yourself, but you better be prepared for me to spend hours, or as long as it takes, to reassure you and squash everything you see as imperfect because me believe me when I say I can't find a single flaw on you. Do you understand?"

Moblit's words hit hard as you did your best not to tear up. Moblit, still being behind you, didn't see but could here the change in your breath indicating your reaction to his speech.

"Oh don't cry Y/n."

"I just love you so much."

"Aww I love you too Y/n. That's why I wanted to ask..."

He let go of you, coming around to face you from the front before bending his left knee and placing it on the ground, his hand holding a small velvet box. His fingers opened it to reveal its contents to you.

"Y/n, will you do the extreme honor of letting me care for you for eternity and marrying me? I promise to cherish and love you forever."


Moblits face lit up a thousand times brighter than any child's ever had. He placed the ring on your finger gingery before he sprang up and hugged you, swaying while tears of joy escaped his eyes, yours doing the same. After a couple more minutes of the two of you hugging and registering why had happened, you pulled apart- Moblits face inches from yours. His eyes flicked from yours to your lips and back before slowly leaning down and kissing you. When you broke apart the two of you decided to sit at the edge of the wall, you sitting in his lap while you watched the sunset.

"Y'know if you were taller, I couldn't do this."

He pulled your feet up and put you in the fetal position before cradling you into his chest. He smiled as the sun went down, your eyes following suit as you drifted to sleep to the sound of his heartbeat.

He whispered softly as your brain shut down, barely about to but still hearing and comprehending what he said.

"Your the perfect size Y/n."

a/n- soooo thought? requests?

this was a request by 14141414t so creds to them!

what's your height?

Have a good day/night<3

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