Burden | Moblit x (Hidden) Reader

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Prompt- Moblit's has a kid and doesn't know until the kid looks for Moblit

B/n- Boy name

Moblit talked to Hange, the latter actually doing most of the talking while Moblit commented briefly sometimes with his own opinions. This was a common occurrence, her ranting about a new idea or theory while Moblit helped solidify it and add pointers if needed. What wasn't a common occurrence, however, was the knock on the door that interrupted them. Moblit answered the door. A man about the same height saluting immediately and addressing him.

"Are you Vice Captain Moblit Berner from Section Squad Commander Zoë Hange?" he spoke briskly.

"I am." Moblit replied.

"Scout leader Erwin Smith has requested to speak to you."

"Just me?" Moblit questioned.

"Yes sir." he confirmed.

Moblit turned to Hange, her giving a sight nod and smile as encouragement before Moblit left, closing the door behind him.

Moblit was led down the halls and towards Erwin office by the soldier. When they arrived the soldier opened the door and allowed Moblit in before closing the door and not entering himself.

Erwin sat at his desk, his hand stopped writing as he looked up to acknowledge Moblit.

"Hello Moblit." Erwin greeted.

"Erwin." Moblit it nodded.

"How have Hange's experiments been going?" Erwin asked.

"Well sir, we have a new idea that might be helpful." Erwin hummed before responding.

"I'd love to hear it, but not now. I didn't call you here to discuss Hange or the experiments." he clarified.

"Then what did you call me here for sir?"

"It has to do with you late wife, Y/n."

Moblit froze, his body going stiff and emotions flooding his senses nearly all the way.

"Y-Y/n?" he stuttered.

"Yes, we have been informed that she had a child... your child."

"M-Mine.?" Moblit continued, his mind racing to catch up and comprehend what was going on.

How? You were dead. You disappeared? And you weren't pregnant when he last saw you so... how? Did you run away? What happened? He thought.

"Yes, yours, and they wish to meet you." Erwin continued.

"They want to meet me?" Moblit was still in shock.

"Yes, do you wish to know their name?"

"Yeah." Moblits voice was weak, his body feeling the same way.

"Cadet B/n Berner."

Moblit gasped. You had given the child his last name. He couldn't believe it.

"They will be here soon, if you wish to stay and meet them."

"Yes. Yes sir."

Moblit sat on the chair opposite of Erwin, tapping his fingers and fidgeting until the door finally opened.

Moblit nearly cried while taking him in. B/n was nearly a perfect mix of Moblit and Y/n with B/n having Moblits face shape and nose with Y/ns eyes and lips. B/n stared at Moblit too, unable to comprehend that he had found the person he had been searching for for so long.



B/n ran forward, throwing himself into Moblit arms and hugging him tightly, Moblit doing the same back. The paired held onto each other, neither of them wanting to let go and instead just enjoy the moment.

𝐀𝐎𝐓 𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒/𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐎𝐒Where stories live. Discover now