Charlotte: Miss Crassus , Mr. Sanders is here
Emery: ok, you can bring him in
Charlotte: my pleasure
( Emery begins to straighten herself out and takes a breather)
Emery: lets do this
( Charlotte brings Mr. Sanders in Emery's office)
( Emery turns around and smiles while Charlotte closes the door and takes a seat)
Emery: Please, take a seat Mr. Sanders.
Mr. Sanders: I rather stand but I'll be polite.
Emery: Appreciated. I am Emery Crassus as you know the new head business women of my dad's business
Mr. Sanders: I know you from when David was mentioning you, he said that your smart and you are a smart young lady, can I offer you a smoke
( Mr. Sanders pulls of his cigar pack from his pocket)
Emery: Yes, it is quite a bit of nonsense, I must agree but necessary nonsense I'm afraid, and I don't smoke
Mr. Sanders: pity
Emery: May I offer you a drink? Surely, you drink. Scotch? Brandy?
(Mr. Sanders lights his cigar)
Mr. Sanders: Bourbon.
Emery: My pleasure.
(Charlotte gets up and pours Sanders bourbon)
Emery: You may be wondering why my dad asked you to come here.
Mr. Sanders: Actually, I know exactly why he sent for me.
Emery: Do tell.
Mr. Sanders: Patents.
Emery: Yes, that is correct. The patents.
Mr. Sanders: Perhaps we should cut to the chase, Miss Crassus. We are both business people, are we not? No need to beat around the bush.
Emery: That is correct, Mr. Sanders. Should I offer my proposition or would you prefer to offer yours?
Mr. Sanders: I know what you want and I know how you go about getting what you want. I understand the importance of this deal, for my sake. I'm prepared to give you my full forty-percent.
Emery: In exchange?
Mr. Sanders: Nothing.
(Sanders pulls out an envelope and hands it to Emery)
Mr. Sanders: I've completely signed over all my rights. You have full control. Don't look so alarmed. I'm giving you exactly what you wish.
Emery: Why no fuss? Surely, there must be something you desire?