I'm so fucking angry, Emery almost ratted me out to Lisa, its like she's coming for me , I knew she was because every time she talks she smirks at me , she was clearly up to something. I need to know why she did that well I basically know....
Micheal: excuse me I need to go to the bathroom
( Sarah looks at Micheal)
Sarah: its upstairs
Micheal: Thank you
( Micheal gets up and makes his way upstairs)
( he walks to Emery's room door and pushes it open)
( he sees her picking something up)
( anger instantly takes over him)
( Emery turns around when Micheal pushes her roughly against the wall)
( Emery hurts her back and head)
( Emery flinches and tear drops comes out of her eyes)
Micheal: why would you do that
( Emery smirks at Micheal)
Emery: because you are the scumbag
Micheal: you embarrassed my wife, you embarrassed me and godly I know you embarrassed your dad and Sarah In front of her guests
( Emery laughs)
Micheal: your making soo angry right now
Emery: so what are you gonna hit me or should I yell rape
( Emery pushes him off of her)
Emery: you did this Micheal, you used me and didn't think twice about me when you went with that bitch
Micheal: don't call her that
Emery: shut up Micheal you know its the truth! the truth is you would've called her the same thing
Micheal: I would never
Emery: and also the other truth is you can't get enough of me, I see how you be staring..
Sarah: We're so sorry about that Lisa?
Lisa: I understand, its ok , I know she under a lot of stress about what happened to her mom and brother
Charlie: what did happen?
David: She recently lost her mom and her brother ( my son) in a car accident just about two weeks ago
Jessica: oh my I'm so sorry
Olivia: I'm sorry for your loss
David: thank you , it was a tragedy but we're managing it