1. That day

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I flinched in pain as the searing pain sharply returned. I tensed my stomach hard to try and numb the pain, but it made it worse.

"Y/N, don't move. I am trying to tie a temporary bandage. Keep still so Mikasa can stop the bleeding,"

But I could not take it. It burned me and I started to tense my arms. I made a fist, and clenched it so hard it started to bleed. Mikasa, who was struggling to stay conscious, noticed and started to shed tears.

"Hey... Y/N," Mikasa said. "Just hold on a little longer ok? Everything will be fine..." She started to cry further as tears flowed down her cheeks.

She was using all her might and effort to keep me alive as her hands were completely covered in my blood. "Y/N... just look me in the eyes ok?"
I slightly tilted my head to the right and stared into Mikasa's crying eyes.

"Guys... just hold on a little longer... I am nearly done," Jean quickly said, in a panic. Mikasa was nearly out of strength as she got weaker and weaker.

I managed to mumble a few words with my little strength:
"M-Mikasa... you... can... s-stop. You a-are going to hurt y-yourself..."

"Y/N stop saying that..." she cried out towards me. Her hands started to shake and her head was about to fall. Her blood covered hands slipped off my wound as she collapsed next to me in exhaustion, lifeless. Her head was next to my shoulders as she barely managed to breath.


-years ago-
One hour before the fall.

I stared into the azure sky, thoughtless, next to the same tree I slept by every day. I watched as the blanket white clouds drifted away into the distance.

"Y/N!" I heard in the distance. "It's starting to get dark soon, make sure to come back soon!" I let out a sigh and heaved myself upwards and I lazily dragged myself back home to the orphanage. I passed by a blonde haired boy getting bullied by three older kids. It was not the first time that happened, but I ignored it since the bullies outnumbered me.

I arrived home and all the other children greeted me with wide grins and cheerful eyes as I entered my home.

I never knew what happened to my parents, I never even knew what they looked like. It did not bother me that much because I found a new home and family. I believed that the people in the orphanage were my family, and they treated me like part of one. "Y/N, do you want some food? You were out for two hours," said the woman, who I liked to believe was my Mom.

"I'm not hungry," I replied as I went upstairs to my bed. I lifted up my shirt sleeve up to see the red letter on my wrist that has always been there. The letter "K"was printed in red on my wrist. I have been hiding it from everyone for years and no one has said anything about it. If someone noticed I would play it off by saying that I injured myself. I doubt it meant anything, but still...

Perfect Storm: Mikasa x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now