73. Escape Route

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Zane POV
Shit... guess it was time. I'm going to get to that basement. I have to.

We all stood ourselves up, as we already knew what we had to do.
"Stick together everyone," Kioka announced.
All nodding, we commenced the mission.

Each of us climbed onto the house near us, making as minimal noise as possible. Kioka signalled to us the direction the gate was, as we the started hopping from building to building. This way we could avoid as little contact with others and given that the sun was going down, most of the district would be asleep.

The wind brushed past my face, as we zipped from building to building and crossing roof tops.

I quickly stumbled but managed to keep my balance. I prayed I did not attract any attention. However, Kioka looked back and gave me a 'what the fuck are you doing?!' glare. Her black her gracefully blew in the wind, as she never bothered tying it up.

We got closer to the gate, as we started to speed up. The closer I got the the gate, the more I felt like turning back. This wasn't going to be a good idea...

Suddenly, I was stopped in my tracks. In front of me stood everyone else looking over the edge of a building. I decided to look over to see what everyone was looking at.

There before us, was a huge drop. Realising how high up we were on a building, my hands started to tremble. I tried to keep my cool.
"Well... this seems quite high..." Kioka casually announced, but the jump did not bother her. She was easily the most athletic here.

"I will jump first," Kioka announced. She decided to take a run up. I wanted to tell her to stop, in case something went wrong. However, I should be worrying about myself. If anyone were to mess up this jump, it would be me...

I felt the wind brush past me, as Kioka leaped off the building and gracefully landed onto the other.
"That wasn't so bad was it?" She shouted back to us, cheering in excitement

Soon after, June, Matthias, Connor and Jasmine all jumped. Each of them managing to land without trouble.
"Hey, Zane. Take your time," Kioka sarcastically said.

Taking a deep breath, I walked back from the edge to do a run up. Well... here goes nothing. I sprinted towards the edge, the leapt off with all my might.

I drifted through the air, unsure whether I jumped high enough. My mind was racing. Was I going to make it? Milliseconds felt like minutes.

To my horror, I realised I was just off.

Oh crap.

Just as I was about to miss the edge of the building, I felt someone grab my arm. There I was, dangling over the edge with my eyes shut as someone managed to grab me.
"Hey, Zaney-boy. Open your eyes. Your not dead,"

I looked up to see Kioka staring down at me, a little surprised.
"T-Thanks Kioka..." I panted.
She lifted me up and pulled me onto the roof.

"Well..." Kioka began. "Should we continue after our interruption...?" Kioka stared at me, as the others did as well.

Hopping over a few buildings, we arrived at the gate. We watched from the rooftop, as we saw the guards. A girl, and a boy. Both from the MP.

The sun was fully set, as the shade of night concealed us all. We listened in to the guards conversation.

-Hitch POV-

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