78. Ackerman Instinct

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-5 hours before Levi's squad arrived back at the walls-

-Hitch POV-

The sky was clear, as the sun beamed through the almost cloudless sky.

"...like, I don't understand how you all do it! It is so difficult keeping the barrel of the gun steady..." Marlo said, as we were walking back from weapon drill training.

"Don't worry, I'm sure one day you will get the hang of it," I assured him. "It's like ODM gear. It just takes practice,"

"I guess your right..."


"Hitch... was that your stomach?"

My stomach had let out a low growl, as looked away from Marlo a little embarrassed.

"I-I'm hungry..."

"I figured. Wanna grab lunch early?"

-5 minutes later-

As soon as we were about to head into the dining hall, we heard a lot of commotion from the courtyard.

"Is there an event today" Marlo asked.

"I don't think so... the Scout's are out on the rescue mission to save those damned kids. We just got unlucky they decided to escape when it was our turn on guard duty..."

The commotion got louder from the courtyard, as it sounded like more people had flocked towards it.

"...The new Scout recruitment was a month ago... so what could it be?" I asked.

"Let's check it out,"

We walked into the courtyard, and it was swarmed with people. There was lots of shouting going on, as I could barely make out what anyone was saying.

"Marlo!" I shouted.

He gave no reply, as the noise was too loud.

"MARLO!" I shouted louder.

He turned around, as he cupped his ears and shook his head.

"It's so loud!" Marlo said, as he was nearly drowned out by the crowed.

"Yeah, no shit,"

"Huh?" Marlo replied, cupping his right ear.

"I said no shit,"


"I SAID NO SHIT," I screamed at the top of my lungs.

I signed deeply as I walked up to him so I could talk into his ear.

"Let's ask someone what this is about," I suggested.

We walked around, as we saw Daz amongst the crowed.

"Yo, Daz," I said, tapping his shoulder. He turned around and looked at me surprised.

"Oh- Hitch, Marlo. You heard the news?" He asked.

"That's what we are hear to find out," Marlo replied.

"Well, rumour is spreading that someone swapped the maps around last night. One of the guards caught them infiltrating the navigation room,"

"Wait- so that means-"

"Yeah. The Scout's on the mission right now all have different maps. It is the Garrison's job to locate titan hot-spots based on Scout reports. The Scout's don't create the routes, they just follow them,"

"Is there any news about them?"

"No, but apparently they know who did it. One of the guards went off post earlier than usual and caught them. There is a traitor amongst us,"

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