58. Decisive Blow

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Levi had butchered all the titans surrounding Reiner, as he was now free to move.
"I will grab his attention, you get Eren," I shouted to Mikasa.
She nodded. We both ignited our blades as we raced towards Reiner before he was able to start moving again. He still had Eren and Bertholdt protected, as he guarded them both against his neck with his hands. I pressed the gas trigger, flying in front of Reiner. He saw me, and attempted to grab me. Narrowly dodging his grip, I succeeded as I managed to get him to fall for it. The side of Reiner's neck was exposed, revealing Bertholdt and Eren. Mikasa had one shot to do this, if she messed up, we will not get another chance at this.
"Mikasa! Now!"

Quick as lighting, she swooped downwards from above whilst she pressed the gas trigger. Bertholdt looked up in terror towards the sight of Mikasa darting towards him rapidly. Before Bertholdt was able to react, Mikasa cut the rope holding him and Eren together and without wasting a second, she quickly anchored away with Eren in her arms. She safely managed to get herself and Eren away from Reiner, who did not move.
"Both of you, let's get back on the horses and get out of here," Levi ordered.
I dropped down to find H/N waiting for me, as Mikasa put Eren behind her on the horse.
"Y/N, your forgetting something?" Mikasa asked.
"What do you- Oh yes... nearly forgot,"
I unholstered the flare gun from my pocket and loaded it with the green smoke cartridge. Aiming it to the sky, I fired it to signal the scouts that we succeeded in rescuing Eren.

Soon after, we got a reply, as in the distance we saw an emerald flare far in the distance, which signalled the meet up point.
"Y/N, Mikasa, let's go. Quicker we get out of here the better," Captain Levi ordered. Levi and Mikasa rode off as I turned around to look at Reiner one last time, who wasn't moving.
"Tch... I will be back for you... Reiner," I whispered under my breath. I lusted revenge, but now was not the time... I cannot let Levi or Mikasa get hurt right now.

Reiner POV
We are no match for them... all 3 Ackerman's are too much to handle...
We lost Eren...
We are going back empty handed... it's all over for me... I'm sorry mom. I was not able to give us the life that we all wished for...
I snapped back to reality as I heard Bertholdt calling my name. He was up to my face waving rapidly to get my attention. "Reiner... they got Eren and are riding off... what do we do now?"
There was no point trying... we are no match for 3 Ackerman's, let alone the whole scout regiment... damn it... it was going so well until they managed to find us... we were so close...

No. I can't give up yet... I promised to mom I would come back with something to show. I gotta keep moving forward...

A deep blanket of fog started surrounding us as the clouds started drifting in.

Levi, Mikasa and I were heading to the meet up point, marked by the green flare. Levi stared forward, as he did not have a care in the world and Mikasa kept checking Eren, who was still unconscious.
"Y/N, Mikasa," Levi said to get our attention.
"Hm?" I replied. Levi turned around to look Mikasa and I in the eyes.
"You both did good today. I'm glad to work with soldiers like you," Levi said with a smile.
Mikasa turned to me as she beamed a smile at me. "Y/N, I am so proud of you today... I know how you feel about Reiner, but you managed to keep yourself together,"
I looked down blushing slightly.
"Thanks Mika-"
"Y/N, MIKASA GET DOWN!" Levi shouted.

Immediately, I turned around to see a huge tree trunk being lobbed towards me. I steered H/N to the right, as the trunk narrowly missed Mikasa and I.
"That son of a bitch... he is chucking trees at us..." Levi said.
"Captain? Your orders?" Mikasa shouted as she watched behind her in fear.
Within seconds, we saw a bombardment of logs being thrown towards us. Petrified, I watched in horror.

A tree trunk landed in front of Levi's horse, as he was knocked off it.
"CAPTAIN!" Mikasa screamed.
Just as soon as Levi fell, a log went towards Mikasa's direction. It collided straight in front of her horse, as both Eren and Mikasa were thrown off.
"Shit... MIKASA! EREN!" I shouted.
Before I could react and go to help them, I was forcefully hurled off my horse. I hit the ground, and heard cracking, while I kept fighting to keep myself awake.

I lay with my chest pressed into the ground as I felt something crushing my right leg. Looking behind me, there was a large tree trunk on top of my leg. It was in such as position, that my leg was twisted underneath it. I could not move it at all, but the adrenaline numbed the pain slightly. Then I remembered: the others. Where were they?

With my blurry vision, I tried to scan the area to find the others while praying that they would be alright. Just as I was about to give up, I found Levi with his left arm crushed under a log. His arm had bent in such a direction, that the elbow was lodged at a right angle but backwards. Fortunately, he was awake and he was trying everything he could to get his arm out.
"Levi!" I shouted to get his attention.
"Y/N? Are you okay?"
"Yes, my leg is crushed but it doesn't hurt that much,"
"Good," he said, but was not paying full attention to me, as was trying to force his arm out.
"Levi, where is Eren and Mikasa?"
He did not say anything. "Levi?" He ignored me again. "Where are they?" I repeated. Levi gritted his teeth sharply as he looked worried. Slowly, Levi pointed to the side of him.

Terror pierced my heart. A sudden chill flowed through my body as I realised why Levi did not want to tell me. I saw Mikasa bleeding out on the floor, her eyes shut as she faced upwards. Blood leaked from a huge cut on her right arm. Eren lay beside her, but did not seem to have  any injuries.

I watched in horror as a puddle of scarlet was spilled around her. The worst thing was that I could not do anything. My breathing started to speed up, until I had to force myself to manually breath.

I looked at the log over my leg and knew what I had to do. If I waited any longer, Mikasa would not be able to keep holding on. Forcing my leg downwards, I yelled in agony as I twisted it.
"Y/N! STOP IT!" Levi shouted.
Ignoring him, I twisted it the other way as I grunted at the searing pain. It burnt, as it felt like I was going to faint from the pain.
Building up my courage, I finally yanked it forward as my leg dislocated from the knee cap. In pain, my head began to feel even more dizzy as I was doing everything to stay awake. I was finally free of the log.
"Mikasa... I am coming... just hold on a little longer," I whispered to myself.

Cutting a piece of cloth from my scout cape, I bit down on it to muffle the occasional shout of pain from the multiple dislocations in my leg. I crawled my way over to where Levi pointed.

Drained of my energy, I finally got to Mikasa who was knocked out. Immediately, I pressed the side of my head on her chest to listen in for a heart beat. My own heart beat slowed down as I heard the small thumping in her chest. The pain in my leg felt like it was burning me alive, but I kept biting down on the piece of cape.

I heard even more thumping strangely, but my head was off her chest. Through the midst of the fog, I saw multiple titans approaching.

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