Chapter 5

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Daichi's POV

I woke up to the feeling of kisses being placed on my face. When I opened my eyes, I was met with the sight of Suga smiling happily down at me.

"Good morning, Daichi."

"Mm, morning, Suga." I mumbled, accepting it when he held onto me tightly. My mind was absolutely everywhere right now. After everything that happened yesterday.. 



"I asked if you would like some breakfast."

"Oh, no I'm alright. I really should get back home. My mom was worried when she heard about what happened at school. So, I should get back to tell her I'm alright." I said, Suga pouting faintly.

"Can't you stay? We just woke up..."

"Sorry Suga, I need to get home. But, thank you for letting me stay last night." I said, giving him a small kiss. It was a bit crazy to think I was dating him and so soon, but, I liked him enough to have sex with him. Or maybe I was just looking for a distraction.. I don't know, everything was just all crazy right now. But I was still glad to have Suga.

Suga slowly got up, looking pretty displeased before he smiled and placed his hands onto my chest.

"Hey, why don't I walk back home with you? I need to go to the store anyway and all the stores are a bit closer to the school than here." He suggested. I shrugged and said that'd be fine. Suga nodded and climbed off me so we both could get changed. I gathered my things and walked with Suga towards home.

Once we were back at my place, Suga gave me a tight hug goodbye. I smiled faintly and held him close before sighing gently.

"Thanks, Suga. Get home safe okay?"

"I will. I'll text you later, okay?"

"Alright." I said, watching him walk off. After he was gone, I quietly used the extra key I had and walked inside.

"Mom?" I called out, my mom rushing over.

"Oh there you are Daichi..! Are you alright?" She asked with concern. I smiled faintly, leaning down so she could cup my cheeks.

"I'm okay mom.. I'm just, I'm still a bit shocked over what happened at school..."

"Oh, I know sweetheart. You and Michimiya were good friends, I'm so sorry."

"...I just wish I knew why it happened. She never hurt anyone else."

"She was a really good girl." My mom said Kindly. I nodded, taking in a slow breath before saying I was going to go to my room. My mom nodded and let go of me so I could leave. My younger brother and sister came over to bother me, but my mom told them to leave me be for a bit.

It isn't that I didn't get along with my brother and sister, but right now I'd prefer to be alone and just think about everything. Honestly, I haven't even had proper time to mourn over this. I can't imagine how devastated Michimiya's family must be. Her parents are so nice. I don't even want to imagine what their reactions were.

Once I was in my room, I changed out of my clothes and into something comfier before just falling face first onto my bed. I haven't cried for years, but I was making an exception today.

Suga's POV

So that's where Daichi lives. It was pretty close to the school, and the neighborhood was a bit small. The houses were decently spread apart so there were large yards and land. I didn't go inside, but Daichi's home, well his mother's home, seemed like it was a decent place. 

 I was annoyed, however. He could've stayed with me longer if not all day, but he went home because of his mother's request. It was quite annoying and would be a lot easier if she was out of the way. Daichi clearly needed to be with me instead. I was able to distract him last night, but who knows how he is now. 

Well, I'll give him about an hour or so and then call him or something. I went to the store like I said since I really did need to go get a few groceries. My parents said each month they would send me some money for the apartment and for groceries. 

It wasn't so bad living by myself actually. Both my parents said that they believed it was time for me to learn some independence by living on my own. But I knew the things they would say about me. They called me crazy, unstable, deranged. All those therapists told them I was dangerous. But I wouldn't hurt my parents. At least not that bad.

I was good at fooling people though. My parents believed I was better, but for their own safety, they wanted me gone just in case. Not sure why, I never caused trouble at my schools. In fact I was a model student.

I had perfect behavior, grades, I was club leaders, I was kind to the underclassmen and upperclassmen, the teachers and authorities. The only thing that could have caused my parents to be alarmed is when I may have expressed an interest in and uncaring attitude towards a murder that happened in our neighborhood.

Now I didn't believe that I was in anyway a murderer. I didn't relish in it, I didn't get any type of sexual pleasure from it. I didn't find it fun. It was messy if anything. I only killed Michimiya because Daichi is mine. And I'll eliminate anyone else who tries to take him from me by any means necessary.

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