Chapter 8

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Daichi's POV

"Sorry I'm late!" I turned my head, smiling faintly to see Suga walk through the doors. 

"Why are you so late??" I asked curiously, Suga setting his things aside with a sigh before rushing over to join us.

"Sorry, I got caught up talking to my science teacher." Suga said with an apologetic smile. I nodded in understanding, telling him to go ahead and just go stretch to warmup. Suga nodded and did as he was told before joining the others in the drill.

After the day was over, Suga walked with me home. Since no one was around, I held his hand. It isn't that I was ashamed of him or anything, I was just worried others at school would see. Even though my parents and siblings didn't mind my sexuality preference, and my mother was even really enthusiastic about it, I was still worried what others at school would think. And Suga promised he didn't mind.

"Hey Daichi?"


"Before we get too close to your place, do you want to call and ask your mom if you could stay with me tonight?"

"I could if you'd like me to."

"Sure! It's the weekend, so why not." Suga said with a smile. I shrugged, calling my mom and asking permission first. Of course my mom was fine with it, and had to slip in a "use protection" speech.. Once I hung up, I walked with Suga back to his apartment. After we put our things away and changed, Suga dragged me to the futon in the living room.

"Want something to drink?"


"I have alcohol!"

"Huh?? How did you get that?"

"From home."

"Suga, we're 17?"

"So? We're alone. Have you ever gotten drunk?"


"It'll be fun, c'mon." Suga said with a smile. I was a bit hesitant. I mean, we weren't really allowed to drink legally, but we were also alone I suppose. And it was Friday, we had no school or practice tomorrow..

"Alright." I said, Suga smiling happily.

"Have you ever tasted alcohol??"

"Not really, all I know is it burns a little."

"Well that depends on the kind. Here, I have a flavorless one I can add to juice or soda if you'd like."

"That'd be okay I suppose." I said, Suga nodded and walking off to the kitchen.

Suga's POV

I hummed quietly to myself, getting the smallish bottle out from the fridge before also grabbing some fruit juice I had. I grabbed two glasses and filled a bit over half of Daichi's glass with juice and the rest with the alcohol. I decided I wanted to be sober for this, so I just filled mine with the juice and put everything away. 

"Here you go!" I said, giving the alcoholic drink to Daichi. He looked in the glass and took a sip before tilting his head.

"I can't really taste it. Maybe it's a little more, tart, than normal but not bad."

"Told you." I said with a smile, sitting next to him and sipping mine. Since Daichi's never drank before, he got pretty drunk pretty quick. His drink was soon gone, so I took the glass from him before he'd drop it. I set the two cups aside before climbing into Daichi's lap. He looked up at me before laughing.

"What're you doing there baby?"

"How do you feel?"

"Mm.. I feel, fine." He said with a lazy smile and tilt of his head. I nodded, thinking the way his face was a little bit flushed was adorable. Daichi didn't resist when I kissed him, wrapping my arms around his neck.



"I want to have sex."


"Yes now." I said with a smile, mumbling against his lips. Daichi blinked a few times before nodding. 

"Okay. Do, uh, do you have any prote-"

"No, I want to do it without."

"Huh? Are you sure..?"

"Mhm. Don't worry, I'm clean." I promised, grabbing the bottom of Daichi's shirt and pulling it off over his head. Daichi looked a bit dazed and didn't do much to stop me when I got onto the ground and parted his knees. I situated myself between his legs and unbuckled his belt. Daichi lifted his hips a little so I could get his pants and boxers off for him.

He was already semi-hard, probably partially from the alcohol. To get him the rest of the way prepared, I gave him a quick blowjob before discarding my clothes and climbed back onto his lap. It made it even more exciting to do this without any protection. It made it feel like Daichi was properly going to me mine and mine alone.

"Gah... Suga..!" Daichi groaned when I suddenly lifted my hips and pushed myself down. 

"Ah.. fuck..." I mumbled to myself, gripping onto his shoulders really tight for support. I hadn't prepped myself in any way, so it hurt. But I didn't care, any pain would be worth it for Daichi. It didn't take long for me to adjust and start moving. The pleasure felt incredible without a condom getting in the way. So, we both ended up finishing after about half an hour.

"Mm.. Suga, we should go shower." Daichi mumbled, lazily putting his arms around my waist while I was still seated on him. I didn't want to get up yet.

"Not yet."

"But, you have-"

"We can clean it out later, I want to stay like this longer."

"If you're sure.." Daichi said tiredly. I smiled slightly, placing my hands on his chest and kissed along his jaw and down his neck to his collarbones. Everything felt perfect, except for oneeee thing.



"Tell me that you love me." I said, placing my index finger under his chin and pushing up so he'd look at me.


"I said, tell me that you love me." I commanded, Daichi looking a bit dazed, but finally he said what I wanted.

"I love you." He said. I smiled, pulling my finger away from his chin before giving him a kiss.

"I love you too, Daichi." I said before tilting my head. I knew Daichi only said those words because I told him to, he's still drunk, and now he's tired and easily influenceable. That's an easy fix though. All I gotta do is train him. Even break him if I must.

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