Chapter 10

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Few Days Time Skip: Suga's POV
"So, where'd ya get this?" I asked, tapping a pretty noticeable scar on this guy's arm.

"I-It was, It was just a slip of a knife when I was younger..!" He said, panicking as I looked at it.

"Interesting. Was it deep?"

"Ye-yes..!" He said before I shoved the gag, well, really it was a cloth, back into his mouth to keep him quiet. I smiled as I stared at it. I've gotten plenty of scrapes, cuts, bruises, and so on. Everyone has. But I never had any deep enough enough to leave a permanent scar like this. I couldn't help but smile. What if Daichi and I were to share something like this together? Something so permanent. Of course someone might think of tattoos. But if it were something like this, the burning, sharp, numbing pain would be something we'd remember forever.

Well, that's something to consider for later. Right now, I had to get rid of this guy. I would've been perfectly happy spending the evening with Daichi tonight, but he had to help his mother with something. I offered to help, but he told me to just go ahead and spend my weekend doing something fun. Personally, doing anything with Daichi would be fun but this would do. If I hadn't have gone out tonight, I never would've gotten the idea.

I sat down next to the guy with a smile. Him whimpering like a baby. Quite different from how he was acting at that restaurant/bar earlier. Cocky fucker sat down next to me, bought me a drink, and really thought that I didn't notice the drug he slipped into it when I turned to go to the restroom. If he wanted to be with me so bad, that's fine. I'll let him. Doesn't mean he's leaving though. No one, no one, will take me from Daichi and ruin me.

"Aren't you happy? You got me into a bedroom like you wanted." I said with a smile, the guy looking ready to burst into tears.

"Ya know, if you were smart, you would've screamed when I ungagged you. Whoops, too late now. Anyway, did you really go to a bar in hopes of drugging someone into bed with you? Gross. Besides, I already have someone. I only came out to get dinner at that place since they didn't have those restaurants where I lived. If you would even have tried to have touch me where my boyfriend does, tsk tsk."

I said, watching the guy squirm. I could let him go. But there's a good chance he'd report me for, whatever it is you wanna call what I'm doing. But killing him would be messy. Hm.. I got up and walked off, finding a bunch of the drugs in one of his drawers. I smiled, grabbing a few capsules and emptying them into a small glass of water. The guy widened his eyes when I returned and handed it to him.

"I feel like I'm in a good mood. So I'll give you two choices. Drink this, or we're gonna snip something off of you." I said, half joking half serious. The guy seemed to definitely prefer getting a taste of his own medicine, literally. So right as I slipped the cloth out of his mouth, I shoved the rim of the cup to his mouth and tipped it so even if he tried to scream, it'd come out gurgled.

Luckily he complied and drank it. Once it was all gone and I was sure he swallowed it, I set the cup aside and sat with him as he started getting woozy. I knew exactly what drug these were. Even though he's seen my face, he's only seen it for a little bit, not long enough. And this medicine was well associated with memory loss. That's why it was so perfect for date raping.

Once the guy slumped over and was half passed out, I patted his arm and got up. I thoroughly washed the glass and put it away and was preparing to leave before thinking something to myself. I grabbed the rest of the drug capsules I could find and tucked them in my pocket before heading out. Hm. Maybe this could work on Daichi. After all, I love him, I don't want my future husband to be in TO much pain.

Daichi's POV
"Thank you for all your help Daichi."

"Sure mom."

"So, how are you and Suga getting along?"

"We're getting along well."

"Yeah? I'm glad. He seems to make you happy."

"He does." I mumbled with a small smile. My mom laughed and patted my arm.

"Good, good. I want you to be happy. You deserve it. I do want to talk to you about one thing though."


"Have you two actually had sex yet?"

"...Mom, really? Aren't you the same woman who gave us a condom..?"

"Well, yes, but did you use it?"

"...Yeah. Why're you asking me this???"

"I'm just making sure you guys use protection. Even for guys you can get ill."

"Uh.. yes mom, I know. Don't worry." I said with a small smile, trying to not sweat over the fact that Suga and I did have unprotected sex.. while drunk. I mean, I still don't remember too much of that weekend but I do remember he said something about he was clean. And I was too. I knew that. But my mom was right. I should probably talk to Suga about it, let him know what I think about it.

But that'd be a discussion for later. Suga seemed pretty eager to please, so, I'm sure he'd understand. Well, now that I had finished helping my mom with what she needed, I headed off to my room to relax. I felt bad since Suga had told me he wanted to go out this weekend, but I told him I couldn't. He understood, but was still disappointed. I wonder what he did with his day.

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