Chapter 7

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Suga's POV

Daichi and I headed to school together not too long after we woke up. I wanted to stay with Daichi until the bell, but Daichi said he had something to go do.

"I'll see you later, Suga. I have to go talk to my maths teacher." 

"Hm? Want me to come?"

"No it's alright. I'll see you in 3rd period." He said, patting my arm and walking off. I watched him go and contemplating following him, but I suppose I had something that I could be doing as well. I wandered the halls looking for Asahi or Noya, but I couldn't find either of them.

"Hey, Kageyama?" I said, walking up to the first year.


"Have you seen Asahi or Noya anywhere?"

"I saw them earlier."


"Last I saw, that way." He said, pointing down the hall. I thanked him and wandered down that way. I still didn't see them. There was a bit of time before the bell would ring to get to homeroom, so I went outside to check. Soon enough, I did find the two sitting together and kissing.

Personally, I don't care if they did that in public. Doesn't bother me, I've seen worse. But it made me smile. There, that was 2 people I don't have to worry about bothering Daichi and I. I'm not too worried about the first years, but the other second and third years around here could be issues. 

My thoughts were broke when the bell rang, so I hurried off to my class to avoid getting into trouble. I had spent time with Daichi during lunch, and we talked about Asahi and how he's been spotted a lot with Noya today. I didn't particularly care to talk about this topic but I just kept reminding myself it didn't matter because Daichi is mine.

After school, I was making my way towards the gym when another third year grabbed my arm and yanked me over to the side. I looked up at him, raising my brow. Oh. This was the boys basketball team captain. 


"I'm going to be late to practice." I said, trying to walk past him but he grabbed my hand.

"Hey hey wait, Daichi would understand if you were a bit late, or possibly skipped your practice today."

"He might, now let me go." 

"Oh who cares about Daichi. He's a bit of a pansy of a captain if you ask me. You're the new guy around here, from that transfer school. Why don't we go have some fun?" He said, both hands landing on my butt. I raised my brows at him, staring at the disgusting smirk on his face before I smiled sweetly.

"Oh? What kind of "fun" did you have in mind?"

"Mm, well I don't live too far from here."

"I'm not a fan of doing any "fun" at a stranger's home. A hotel howeverrrr." I said with a smile, the basketball captain grinning and saying he'd pay for a few hours. I nodded and left the school grounds with him.

"Would you please go pay for a room? I need to do something." I said, the captain nodding and walking to the front desk. I lingered behind and acted interested in a flyer left on the other side of the counter. After the room number was told to the captain, I said I heard it and would be along shortly. So, he walked off while I went to the desk.

The woman was nice and didn't seem to notice I was with the captain, so I asked for a room and paid for a few hours in that one. She gave me the keycard as I thanked her and walked off to the room the basketball coach was waiting in. When I got there, the bastard was already half undressed.

"There you are, come here cutie." He said as I walked over to him. I smiled when he placed his hands on my hips, though all I wanted to do was gag at his touch. 

"Of course I am. Why don't we begin with the fun?" I said, biting my bottom lip with a smile. He nodded, pulling me on top of him on the bed. I played along, I let him kiss my skin and take my shirt off. I didn't dare kiss him though, the most I would allow is to touch his skin.

"Wait, did you place a do not disturb sign on the door?" 

"Agh, you're right. Hold on." He grumbled, setting me down and getting up. While he searched for the little sign that hangs around the knob, I was busy flopping back into the sheets. Once he found them, he put the sign on the door and returned to me. Since I was laying down, he just laid overtop of me and went back to kissing along my neck.

None of this brought any form of pleasure. None at all. It felt disgusting if it wasn't from Daichi. But this bastard had to learn a lesson. 

"Hey, let me take care of you. I can show you how I learned at my old school." I said with a wink, the guy grinning and letting me get up and straddle his hips. I could feel his hard-on underneath me. Ugh. 

I leaned close, as if I were to kiss him. But instead I smiled and leaned back.

"You know, all the others I was with said it felt so much better with a blindfold."

"Eh? But I wanna be able to see you moving."

"I know, but the blindfold will let you focus on how good I can make us feel. Then we can take it off."

"Mm. Alright fine." He said, allowing me to take a cloth strip and put it around his eyes. Since he couldn't see, I asked him to sit more in the middle of the bed for what "position" I had in mind. So, he listened. I sat behind him, reaching my arms around and undoing his belt to have him think I was really into this before I removed my hands.

He gasped when my arm went over his throat, my other hand holding it in place tightly. I felt his hands grab at my arm in a panic as I squeezed.

"Sorry. I'm sure that you're a good basketball player. But you have very, very bad manners. You need to learn how to say no. Because you might say no to the wrong person some day." I said with a smile, listening to the pathetic gasps for air until he passed out. 

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