Chapter 19

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A/N: Hi probably maybe last chapter (plus epilogue). I'm sorry, I know this one was a shorter "book" than the others.

Thank you for reading <3

If anyone would like, I have a Kyoutani book + a secondary Bokuaka (omegaverse) book so take a look if you'd like!

Few Days Time Skip: Suga's POV

Daichi's been feeling better and has returned to school, so I went along with him. He's been a bit irritable by the other students, but he did his best to stay calm. Unless I had to depart from him for a class, I kept near Daichi the whole time. 

After the bell rang, Daichi had to go to his first class and I had to go to mine. But I had something else I wanted to do. I noticed Asahi wasn't here. But Noya was. I knew where Noya's first class was, so I headed that way quickly and found him.

"Noya." I called out, Noya turning around and looking at me. He slowly smiled and scratched the back of his head.

"Oh... Hi. Suga.." I could tell that he was uncomfortable. I'm sure Asahi was still alive and had told Noya something about me that he has no business knowing.

"So, where's Asahi? I didn't see him in homeroom and he hasn't texted me for a few days."

"Oh. He isn't feeling too well so he's staying home."

"What happened?"

"..He ended up in the hospital over something, so, he needs the time to recover."

"I see. Well, I do hope he's doing okay."

"Yeah, he's doing fine. Um. I got to get to class. I'll see you later, Suga..!" Noya said with a smile, turning and running off. I watched him go before heading to my first class. Hm. Or maybe I should pay Asahi a visit today. But I'd need his address..

Time skip to lunch



"Would you be so kind as to go get me an extra water??" I asked sweetly, Daichi smiling faintly and nodding. After he had gotten up and walked off, I took his phone from his bag and checked his contacts. I took note of Asahi's address that Daichi had saved in his phone before turning it off and setting it back into his school bag. 

Once lunch was over, Daichi had to head off to class. I didn't want to leave Daichi alone, so I could skip a few classes and then come back for volleyball practice. 

Asahi's place was actually not too far, which was good. It'd give me plenty of time to get back in time for practice and to meet up with Daichi. After I got to the little home, I knocked a few times. I heard the hinge creak as Asahi slowly opened the door.

"..Hello, Suga..."

"Hi Asahi. Noya had told me that you were in the hospital huh?" 

"...Yes, I was."

"You don't happen to be the "victim" that had reported and sent officers to my home, are you?"


"What ever makes you think I would do something that requires police interference?"

"Suga, what are you doing with Daichi..?"

"What do you mean? I take care of him."

"No you don't. Ever since you both have met, Daichi's been going crazy. And you're just feeding his delusions. Aren't you?"

"Delusions? That's a strong word. How hurt Daichi will be when he finds out what you said." 

"You can tell him whatever you'd like. You already have. But know that he isn't yours. He never will be."

"Is that so?"

"Yes. You might think he loves you. But that's how Daichi behaves. I've known him for 3 years. I would know better than you." Asahi said. I scowled at him. I didn't care that he was taller than me. It made my blood boil he'd even say such things.

"Oh? You're wrong then! I'm the one who Daichi belongs to. I'm the one he needs and I'll be the ONLY one, got it!" I ended up shouting. Asahi looked down at me calmly before nodding.

"You seem like you've missed a few of your medication doses."


"The officer told me he had found that antipsychotic in your home. Do you even take those pills? Or do you save them to give to other people."

"You have no proof I've done anything. And my medicine and medical records are certainly not your concern!"

"No, they aren't. But the police will be very interested when they listen to everything you just said about you and Daichi. Sounds a little, psychotic to me." Asahi said before quickly shutting the door. What the fuck did he mean but "listen"...?

"Hey! Open the door! Did you fucking record our conversation!!!??" I shouted, pounding my fist against the door. I hit the door until my fist was red, but it did no good. And I couldn't break in. Then there'd be solid evidence for an arrest. If Asahi recorded that, yes, therapists and investigators would find my behavior erratic. Then they'd take Daichi from me and undo all the word I had done. 

I looked at the time before rushing back to school. Fuck going to practice. I have something else very very important I need to discuss with Daichi. It'd be a push, even for him. He has enough sense to know that what I'm about to ask him would be crazy. But he just might be far gone enough to listen to me. 

When I got back to the school, I found Daichi and asked him to talk with me privately. I dragged him somewhere where we were alone. Daichi furrowed his brows as he looked at me.

"Are you okay Suga? You seem a little bit, frazzled???"

"Daichi. I need you to do something with me."

"What is it..?"

"Do you truly love me?"

"Of course I do."

"Good. Then you'll do this for me."

"What is it..?"

"We're moving."

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