Chapter 7

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"What's weird is that I think I saw you there." you paused and looked at her. "Well, a picture of you at least."

"Oh really?" You tried not to catch a hitch in your voice.

"Yeah," [Name] replied simply, "You were in some tower." She knew more about Derse than you thought she did. But did she know that it wasn't a dream, per say, but an actually world that you switched consciousness to?

"And you said you met the queen? How did that work out?" You tried to change the subject to something that wasn't you.

"Well I just kind of wandered around the castle until I found the throne room and she told me she had 'taken a liking' to me," she giggled, "It was super weird. It was only a dream, though, so it doesn't matter." Yeah only a dream, you thought to yourself. It didn't sound too good that the queen had taken a "liking" to [Name] either. You need to find a way to prevent something from happening to her when she goes back.

"So, uh.... Have you had dreams like that before?" Be cautious,you told yourself. You need to see how often it was that this happened.

"Not that I remember. Aren't dreams usually different every time, though?" She looked at you, confused.

"Um... I don't know, man. I'm not that smart." Hm. It's weird that this just started. But then I guess you didn't go to Derse until you knew what was going on in SBURB. But that was at least 4 years ago. "Well, I guess if you do happen to have a dream like that again, be careful..." You could only give advice and hope she took it to heart.

"Yeah, okay." She went back to making breakfast.


After breakfast, you went on with your daily plan of nothing by pestering John. He seemed tickled and confused about the whole thing.

turntechGodhead [TG] began pestering ectoBiologist [EB]

TG: hey

TG: i need to tell you something

EB: hey Dave! :B

EB: what's up?

TG: [name] just got back from derse

EB: haha ok?

EB: glad to hear your little girly friend shares a planet with you at night ;B

TG: john shut up

TG: shes not my girlfriend

TG: not yet at least

TG: but anyway

TG: thats not the point

TG: she just got back from her *first* time on derse

TG: john

TG: she met the fucking queen

EB: oh my gosh!

EB: is she ok?

TG: i think so

TG: shes not doing anything crazy

TG: and shes overall alive so

EB: reallly? did the queen go soft or something?

TG: nah man

TG: worse than that

TG: shes taken a "liking" to [name]

EB: well that can't be good...

TG: thats what im saying man

TG: what do i do

EB: well I'm not quite sure, Dave.

TG: come on egderp

TG: the one time i come to you for help and you got nothing

You sighed. What can you do? There was really nothing you could think of other than going to sleep at the exact same time as [Name], and that was too hard to track and totally creepy. But then again, how were you going to make sure nothing happened to [Name]? Ugh, this was going to be rough.

In the Knight Time (Dave Strider x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now