Chapter 3

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“Wow, she’s out cold” Bro said at the door to the kitchen door, making you jump even though you had been the one to call him down. He laughed. “Did I scare you, Little Bro?”

You didn’t respond. You were kneeling next to [name] making sure she was breathing. It looked like she hit her head when she went down. Hard.

“What happened?” Your brother actually seemed legitimate about this question, so you answered him.

“We were talking and she passed out.” You say with no change in your tone.

“What possibly could you have said to her to make her pass out?” You didn’t answer. It wasn’t because he sounded sarcastic; it was because you didn’t want to think that what you said had caused this to happen.

“Dave, I’m sure she’s fine. She probably on Derse or Prospit, being introduced to the queen. Nothing bad is going to happen.” Dirk’s words had little effect on you. You knew of many bad things that could happen on the dream planets. You heard Dirk sigh behind you.

“If you’re really that worried, just go lie down and meet up with her. Knowing her, she’s probably on Derse anyway. And don’t worry about her unconscious body. I won’t let anything happen to her. I know how much you like her.” You blushed at that last comment. You hated to say this, but Bro was right. She’s probably just somewhere on her dream planet being amazed by everything. You hoped to Gog that she was on Derse. You don’t want to have to get John or Jade to get her for you. That would be totally un-ironic, not to mention embarrassing.

You sighed and carried [name] up to her room. You usually weren’t allowed in there, but you think this is a special case. You pushed the door open with your back and set her down on her bed. Then, you stood back up and took a look around her room. After all, it might be a while till you see it again.

[Name]’s room was the same size as yours, but the walls were painted [f/c] instead of red like yours. Covering each of her walls were posters for every anime you could think of, plus some. No wonder Bro liked her so much. You walked over to one of the white dressers in the room. On it were multiple picture frames. All of them had a picture of [name] and someone else. You assumed this is how she remembered her past life. Or what was left of it. You saw a bright red frame and picked it up. In it was a picture of her at the age of nine with a blonde-headed boy that looked about the same age as her. You smiled to yourself. You remembered when that was taken.

It had been the day when [name] had first come to live with you. Bro had been out all day and you were starting to get worried because he had never been out that long before. Even then, your favorite place to be had been the roof of your apartments, so you went up there to watch for Bro. After about fifteen or so minutes, you saw Bro on his rocket board. He wasn’t alone though. There was a small girl clinging to Bro’s bright white shirt. Bro had seen you up on the roof, and flew up to meet you. He told you that the girl would be staying with you for a while, and that her name was [name]. You looked at the girl for a long while, and she started to blush. You introduced yourself and told her that you hoped she liked it here. She thanked you and you started to talk. That was when you learned about her past and despite what most people would have thought, she wasn’t ashamed about it. She didn’t even stutter when she told the story. Shortly after, the two of you became close friends, and trusted each other, even when you couldn’t trust yourselves. Bro took the picture when you had come back down to the apartment. The two of you had come so far together. And you weren’t about to let red feelings stop you from going farther.

You put the picture back down on the dresser and glanced at [name] one last time. She really did look peaceful… Your mission returned in a rush to your mind. You turned, left her room, and entered yours. You lied down on your bed, and fell asleep, hoping to wake up to [name]’s beautiful face looking back at you.

You would get her back.

No matter what the cost.

In the Knight Time (Dave Strider x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now