Chapter 6

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You never really liked going to Derse. It gave you bad memories. Whenever you are there, the citizens all rally up to make a huge mob and honor you. You didn't understand it. You've know this for years: you are not a hero.


After dealing with the crowds and deciding you had looked everywhere on the planet for [Name], you went back to your tower and sat on your bed. You out your head in your hands. How could you have done this? You freaked [Name] out and now you have to go explain to John what happened and ask him to get her back.


As you walked up the stairs to your room, you thought about the past couple days' events. You told Bro something you shouldn't have, he went on to hint at it towards [Name], you went to talk to her about it at the wrong time, she got pissed at you, the two of you argued, and now she is lost on Prospit. Mentally, you smacked yourself and made a note to never share your feelings with anyone ever again. Unless it was necessary, of course.

After getting over how pissed you were at yourself, you found that you were calm enough to get some shut eye. Not as easily or as rushed as before, you closed your eyes and drifted to sleep.




You woke up to the smell of bacon and frowned. Not that you didn't like bacon, it just wasn't like Bro to cook. That was always [Name]'s job. You got out of bed and went to the kitchen to investigate and froze in the doorway. It also wasn't like Bro to have long [h/c] hair. Or have womanly curves that were so attractive to you - wait what?


Shaking that thought out of your head, you went up to the girl-who-looked-like-[Name]-from-the-back-but-you-weren't-really-sure and tapped her on the shoulder. When she turned around and realized it was you, she smiled. Gog, did you miss that. You yourself almost smiled when you confirmed that it was her.

"[Name]..." You said quietly, "I was worried about you..." She blushed.

"Yeah, sorry about that. I guess I just didn't sleep enough last night. I must have slept fine a little while ago because the dream I had was so real..." So she didn't know about Derse or Prospit yet. Huh. You guessed that it was a good thing that she came back on her own instead of you having to get John to get her, though.

"Really? What happened?" You got a glass of water.

"I'm not really sure. I just know I woke up on some weird purple planet and met the queen." You almost spit out the water in your mouth. How could someone meet the queen and not be dead? At least you now knew that she was a Dersian at heart. So if you ever needed to talk to her alone...

"Huh. That is weird," You started to smirk in your head, "But that's normal for you." She smiled and shoved you playfully.

"What's weird is that I think I saw you there." You paused and looked at her. "Well, a picture of you at least."

In the Knight Time (Dave Strider x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now