Chapter 4

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When you woke up, all you could remember is passing out on the floor of the kitchen, which was caused by something Dave had said. Your head hurt and your sight was still kind of blurry. You were laying in the dirt of some place that was filled with buildings in dark shades of purple. You woke up surrounded by people with black skin, who seemed to be worried about you. They picked you up, and carried you to the closest building.

          This building seemed to be bigger than the rest of them, and had banners hanging about with odd symbols on them. One looked like some kind of windy-thing, another looked like a spiral, or something like a black hole, and the other two looked like a gear and the sun. You stuck these images in the back of your mind to be processed later.

          While you were being carried, your vision cleared, and you could tell that the building you were being carried to was a castle. You automatically became uneasy. When you entered the castle, all you could see was a long hallway with a dark purple rug going down it that you assumed went to the throne room.

The people carrying you stopped for a moment and started to - what you assumed was –arguing about where to go next. They had set you down so they could use arm motions in there argument, so you started to look around the place you were standing. You looked down at yourself. You were wearing what looked and felt like violet pajamas with a lavender crescent moon on it. It felt awkward not having your black tee and skinny jeans on. You didn’t normally wear pajamas. You usually just slept in whatever you wore the day before.

          You looked over to where the people who carried you in here were and found them still arguing. Since they couldn’t decide by themselves where to go, you decided to go where it felt right to you. You started wandering down the corridor, looking at all the rooms and the signs above them. As you continued down the long hallway, you started to wonder about this place. It was both the same and different than where you live with the Striders. It had lots of buildings and it was pretty warm here, but there was this castle that you were standing in, and the people here were just… odd.

          You didn’t even notice you had walked into the throne room until one of the guards pointed a spear at you.

          “Let her in,” said who you guessed was the queen, and the guard lowered his spear. He then gave you a look that meant “I’m watching you,” and returned to his post by the door. You thought it was odd how the queen spoke in English, and everyone understood her, but none of her subjects could speak it. You approached the throne, and instinctively kneeled when you were about a yard away.

          “Stand, Stranger.” You did as you were told. “I’ve been watching you since you’ve awakened on my planet. You are very popular with my people,” She was watching you intensely.

          “Thank you, Your Majesty,” you said cautiously, “I am known on my planet to be a people pleaser.”

          “I can see why. Luckily for you, I have taken a liking to you. I want you to meet my right hand man. This is Jack Noir,” with those words, a short man with the same skin color of the rest of the people on this planet and a sneer that could slice the head off a man, came out of a side hallway. He looked at you with deep hatred, bowed to his queen, kissed her outstretched hand, and left through the hallway he entered from.

          You guess you must have had a nervous look on your face, because the queen said with a small smile, “Don’t worry about him, he’s just a man with a license to kill where his heart should be.” Even though this didn’t ease your mind, you put on a fake smile and she seemed to accept it.

          “Anyway, you must be tired, so I’ll send one of my ladies to give you a room.” You thanked her and followed one of the maids up the many staircases.

          Once you climbed about twenty flights of stair, you followed the maid down the hallway that extended off of the hallway. She took you to one of the many rooms, and led you into it. The room, just like everything else on this planet, was decorated in different shades of violet. The bed was a queen size, and when you jumped on it, you sank into its plush covers.

          The maid bowed and left you to yourself in the room. After you listened to the maid’s footsteps trail away, you sat up and looked out the window. The planet you were on seemed a lot like earth. Some of the buildings even looked the same. It even had its own moon, the only major differences being that it was purple and chained to the planet. You went over to the desk in the room and looked at the pamphlets that were laying on it. They looked like they were advertising different place in the planet. It occurred to you that this room was much like a hotel. You found a pamphlet that was in English and opened it. It had a picture of two tall towers, and the title read “The Seer and The Knight are our protectors!” You thought this was quite odd and decided to go see these towers later.

          You put the pamphlet back on the table and went to lie down. After all the events of today, standing made you feel like you were going to pass out. You got in the queen-sized bed, wrapped yourself up in the blankets, and passed out.

In the Knight Time (Dave Strider x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now