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"This is kinda early, school is only five minutes away, y'know." Iida said, looking at the fully dressed pale haired boy.

" If he wanna go to an empty school then let him, why do you even bother?" Bakugou grumbled, closing the door of his dorm room behind him.

Killua chuckled slightly," I'm not actually going to school. I have to go somewhere else before going there." he said, tightening the knot around his hair.

Iida pushed his glasses up his nose, "So did you notify the school then? The dorms are kind of new, don't forget we should let the school know before leaving the grounds." the class representative said, with his signature chopping move.

"Yup, already did that class rep. I have to get Eri to school that's all and the school have no problem with it since it will decrease the workload off Aizawa's plate." Killua explained.

"Is that so, wouldn't it be easier  if another pro escorts her there? Does it have to be you? It will interfere with your school schedule after all." Iida said, as they boarded the elevator together along with the ash blonde.

"Nah, Eri is uneasy around most people if I'm not around, she gets flustered and strangers gives her anxiety, and when she is anxious she triggers her quirk and that could be dangerous. Besides did you forget that it actually doesn't matter if I attend this school, I'll be leaving someday. The fact that I'm attending the school is just the flimsy alliance between me and the heroes, there is no other point to it." Killua said.

The class representative hummed, walking out of the elevator," That's right, you don't really need attend classes since you will be returning to your world any moment."

"Yup, I'll be going home." he said, smiling slightly as he opened and closed the cupboards in the dorm kitchen.

"So how many people did you kill?" Bakugou asked, giving the pale haired boy a cold side glance.

 Iida tensed up, he had been thinking about the exact same thing ever since their homeroom teacher sprinkled the information on them but he couldn't bring himself to actually ask the question. Bringing the subject that everyone was avoiding up would have been a risky move, especially with the fragility of their relationship now.

The question made Killua pause for a split moment , but he continued his search for food after that, unaffected.

"A lot, like a whole lot." he vaguely answered, pulling out a box of cereals ,"I started at a very young age so it's hard to keep track of them all. Why do you ask, it's not like you know them?" he asked, mildly amused by the whole ordeal.

Bakugou's expression didn't change, it was the same impassive face he had when he asked the question. He had seen first hand what Killua was capable of doing, dislocating your own bones and yanking someone's heart wasn't somethings you randomly learn.

High pain tolerance, incredible resistant to toxins and poisons and the scars on his back? Honestly, it made sense when Aizawa told them that the pale haired boy came from a long line of assassins. It all just clicked into the puzzle.

" As disgusting as it is to work with a murderer , you did say that you are an ex-assassin, as long as you didn't kill anyone from this world then I don't have a problem with you, you deal with your own damn baggage." he said gruffly walking past Killua.

The pale haired boy chuckled," That's a weirdly mature argument there, Red. You are getting better with your anger." he pointed out, shoving a spoonful of cereals in his mouth.

The ash blonde scoffed," What the hell are you talking about? I've always been level headed." he grumbled.


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