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Using Godspeed the pale haired boy made his way around Dekia city in search of Twice. He knew that with every passing second Toga's life would be in more danger. He needed Twice to make a clone of Toga to replace the lost blood.

Spotting Spinner who was latching on a wall, surrounded and outnumbered, he headed towards the scaled man.  Quickly knocking out the members of the meta liberation army that surrounded him he turned to Spinner and asked in a rushed tone,

" Where is Twice?"

Spinner stared at the pale haired boy, who just got rid of his opponents in the blink of an eye, without even revealing a bit of his shadow to the army. He suddenly felt a bit of terror pooling in the pit of his stomach. He was a bit dazed by the sheer display of power, wondering if one day, he would be at the receiving end of it.


"Hey, stop spacing out! Where is Twice?!" The pale haired boy asked clicking his tongue.

"Ah," Spinner said, "Twice rushed towards the tower." he answered.

Just as Killua was about to rush to the tower, a minivan stopped across from him and Spinner. A man dressed impeccably stood on top of it and called out to the crowed and rallied the soldiers below him with a megaphone in his hands.

" There is something going on with his quirk. The soldiers almost look brainwashed," Spinner said," when he speaks they get a whole lot motivated and aggressive. They don't even care about their own lives."

" So the problem is when he speaks?" the pale haired boy asked frankly.

Spinner was startled a bit with the question, " Ah, yes...I think so?" he said hesitantly.

Killua peered at the man with green scales," Are you okay? You look a bit...off."  he asked.

Spinner hummed out a response," I'm fine."

"Alright " Killua said, his hair spiking up and electricity running along his skin as he turned Godspeed on. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared only leaving a trace of lightening.

Spinner could only react, when he heard the man on the van, choke loudly, holding onto his throat.

The leader of the Shinkyuu party had his eyes opened wide, his saliva dripping down his widely opened mouth. He coughed and heaved, a look of horror and pain in his eyes as he stared at the pale haired boy in front of him. His gentlemanly and refined aura gone and replaced with disbelief and terror.

He had just heard the Curious was killed by the white haired boy in front of him. He was just told that he should be cautious against UA's scholarship student and not confront him up-close. Who knew that it would be a breeze for him to break through his soldiers in a fraction of a second.

He couldn't help but stare at the pale haired boy, who was staring back at him with clear and innocent, eyes in shock and disbelief. He couldn't understand how the pale haired boy could stare at him with a look that screams innocence even after most likely destroying his vocal cords.

" Politicians should stick to politics ."Killua frankly said, chopping down at the man's neck and knocking him out.

He then turned around and called out to Spinner," Watch over this guy!" he ordered and without sparing the man with green scales- a second glance he turned back.

Just as he was about to bolt towards the tower at the center of the city, he heard a loud deafening sound that sounded like the type of cheer you would hear in a stadium or like a soldier's rallying cry.

Killua was startled by the sound, since it came from the direction he left the injured Toga in. Not a second later, he saw an avalanche of  grey and black as well as a lot of entangled limbs.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2022 ⏰

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