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The pale haired boy smirked pulling out his Yo-yos out of his pocket as he glanced around the people surrounding him and Toga.

"Mind handling your side, Toga?"

Toga smiled, impressed with his precision and strength," Mhm? I thought you said you don't like killing." she asked, putting on her slurping mask.

Killua shrugged," I don't exactly like it, but it's not like I have a choice right now." he said, flicking his wrist to swing his weapon and slam it directly at the head of a man charging at him .

Toga charged straight at the woman, her knife raised and her blood thirst evident. Her actions triggers the woman's followers into action as they rushed to stop the psychotics blonde.

"Miss Curious is in the middle of an interview!" one of the followers scolded as another one grabbed Toga mid air and flung Toga through the display window of one of the stores that littered the road.

"Toga!" Killua asked in mild alarm as he dodged a quirk that was fired at him and snapped the neck of a boy that have somehow managed to get close to him.

"I'm okay!" Toga yelled out, but her voice was swallowed by an explosive that was thrown into the building she was in.

"Such young children killing without an ounce of hesitation!" Curious said, her eyes wide with excitement," I'm curious, I wanna know, Just what kind of life did you live?!" she asked as her soldiers threw a second bomb at Toga before the dust of the first one could settle.

Curious chuckled," Our soldiers have no mercy." she said, watching in delight," If you'd like to live longer ,please answer my questions."

"Watch out!"  Killua called out, as he deflected the bomb into another direction with a swing of his Yo-yo. 

Curious flinched slightly as the bomb exploded right above her head. Her electric blue gaze narrowing at Killua who kept throwing her plans and calculations off. 

"Thanks for the save Killua!" Toga's voice was slightly muffled by her mask as she skillfully slashed the throat of one of the soldier's throat and shot out the syringes attached to her support item at three of the men near by to slurp up their blood. 

The pale haired boy smirked relaxing a bit. Now that Toga had her fill from blood, she could have a multiple of candidates to choose from and she could blend in with her enemy and fight better. He won't need to keep looking after her and he could focus on defending himself. 

He sighed. He wondered if he should just kill all the soldier's around him and leave with Toga, after all they were the fastest members of the league and the number of causalities would decrease if he could subjugate the leader of the army. The lesser he kills the better, his actions now might affect him in the future.

Just as he decided to take the route with lesser causalities, Toga curled in on herself coughing out a mouthful of blood.

Killua stilled, his eyes snapping to the girl withering in pain then towards one of the men that she took some blood from. His blue eyes narrowed as the man exploded and Curious smiled, grabbing her chin smugly.

"If you are trying to transform and blend in, it's not gonna work! I've come up with a few strategies of my own to speak to you!" she said," Our selfless soldiers have turned their own bodies into bombs in order to corner you with their special abilities! Just what do you think of your current situation?!" she asked.

Killua's gaze froze over but he kept silent as Toga pulled herself up and killed some more of the soldiers. He carefully assessed her over, trying to guess the severity of her condition. He figured that if the blood exploded inside of her, then she was bound to have some internal injuries that needed attention soon. His train of thoughts was cut off by Curious' shrill voice.

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