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"No,do not."Hawks gritted.

Killua snorted taking his yo-yo out of his pockets,"Dude look at yourself,you can barely stand up.How in the world did they manage to shoot you,aren't you supposed to be super fast or something?"

Hawks kicked a gun out of a villains hands and backed a step away,"I am fast but we had some  hostages around here."he grunted.

The pale haired boy hummed, eyeing the people in the room,"So same dirty trick ,eh?"He said stepping in front of Hawks,"This is gonna be a piece of cake."

Hawks tensed up,"We don't know if this thing is permanent or temporary!"

Killua smiled,"They will have to shoot me first." 

Hawks gasped and questioned his sanity as Killua used Rhythm Echo.The  villains bleached as the pale haired boy approached them.Kanada Futoro glanced around his guards.

"Stop gaping and shoot the brat down, damn it!"

Snapping out of their daze all the captors in the room started shooting  at Killua's afterimages.One by one they dropped like flies unable to neither shoot him nor keep up with his overwhelming speed.

Soon Futoro was left standing alone eyeing the younger male in horror.

Killua only smirked at him as he approached,"So now that all your guards are unconscious tell me, what the hell are those red bullets made of?"

Kanada Futoro was terrified,the tone the cat eyed boy used made his stomach turn in discomfort and the way he calmly strolled over to him made him back away and trip over his own feet.

"No stay away,don't come any closer!"

Surprisingly ,the pale haired boy listened and paused on his tracks with his signature smirk,"Alright,then you come to me!"

Futoro let out a disturbing scream as the yo-yo string yanked him from his foot,suddenly he was just under Killua's feet.

"Okay,I'll ask again,what are those bullets made of?Some ones quirk maybe?"

Futoro was too terrified to speak,especially when the pale haired boy relieved his glowing eyes.Killua knew that he was directing too much of his blood lust at the older male,and he was overdoing it,it was having the opposite effect.

Killua cocked his head,"Okay,if you are not talking then let us conduct an experiment."

If it was possible Futoro turned even paler,his skin turning into ashy grey.Hawks struggled to stay awake,he was losing too much blood and whatever was in the bullet was making him feel dizzy and nauseous.His tongue felt heavy and the wall didn't seem to be giving enough support to the spinning ground.

Killua held out his hand and blue bolts danced between his thumb and index finger,his face turned serious and focused. Futuro tried to back away but his limbs were shaking so hard he couldn't move ,even if he was on all four.

He has never felt this kind of cold terror in his entire life.   

"So I have been rolling this idea around in my head for a while, if it went wrong it might permanently damage all your nerve cells, in the best case scenario and in the  the worst case..."Killua said extending his zapping hand towards the older male,"You might die."

"I don't know!!"

The pale haired boy paused,"Huh?"

"The bullets.I don't know what they are made of,someone else bought them and I simply made copies!I swear I have no idea!"Futoro shrieked,finding his voice.

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