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"Where is she?"

"She locked herself up in Recovery girls office and I didn't wanna trigger her panic by breaking the door."

Killua frowned,"Okay I will handle this."

Eri got scared of being alone with a stranger. Midnight had to step out for a bit leaving the little girl alone with a  second year patient who happened to wake up then, making the little girl panic but mildly. Cause if it was sever, her quirk would have been activated.

Killua turned paler when the school alarms blared. It was a level three breach.Midnight looked frantic afraid that the loud voices will add to Eri's panic.

"Its probably the press but-"

"Go, I will bring Eri out."

Nemuri hesitated to go out but rushed out after Killua gave her a reassuring smile.He turned to the locked door and walked towards it.

'If Eri's quirk activates,I'll just damage my body in a pace that matches her power."

"Eri its me Killua. I am coming in now!"Killua called while picking the lock .He used his En to see if she was rewinding anything and pushed the door open when he saw that Eri's horn didn't react to his aura.


Killua raised a brow when he found the girl sitting comfortably on the couch, watching her favorite TV show, 'Sunny Bunnies' with a cookie in her hand. Killua narrowed his eyes at her and she gave him an innocent smile, which looked mildly threatening ,daring Killua to call her out.

"Big brother, you know I don't like Midnight."

Killua didn't know if he should be impressed or angered, but he sure felt bad for Nemuri who was genuinely worried.

"You worried me for a moment there brat, Nemuri was really worried, too."

Eri wrinkled her nose,"I hate how she always try to dress me up,like  I am some kind of toy."

Killua sighed and locked the door behind him as he strolled into the room .Eri scooted so he could sit next to her.

"Don't do that again okay? Nemuri really cares about you."

Eri puffed her cheeks and reluctantly nodded when  he gave her a pointed stare.They sat quietly watching Eri's  favorite show ,while munching at the home baked cookies packed for the little girl.

Killua took the time to text the poor R-rated hero that he was handling the situation, Eri giggled and grinned at her fuzzy creatures and he made no move to stop her as she snuggled closer to his side. Suddenly she gasped and turn to glare at Killua who was devouring the last cookie.


The little girl sighed as if exasperated, and rubbed her temples in a way Killua found adorable.She jumped off the couch and pointed at the cabinet on the top of the shelf ,"Hey big brother help me up."she ordered.

Killua raised a brow at her,"I can bring i-"

"Just help me up okay."she said sweetly, a bit too sweetly for the boys liking but he reluctantly  picked her up and put her over his shoulders. Eri smiled in victory, opening the cupboard to pull out a jar of chocolate chip cookies.She carefully handed the jar to Killua and closed the open cupboard.

The snow white strands  caught her attention .She couldn't help but ran her little fingers through it making their owner tense up.

"Eri! it took me forever to tame that, stop!"he said pulling her down from his shoulders quickly,the little girl looked down as he put her on the ground.

//Blink //(HxH xbnha crossover)Where stories live. Discover now