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So you know what I said about no smut in this book? Well, maybe a little...


Alex's POV

"To be clear, this is sex, and nothing more?" Cage asks.

I nod. "Yeah, like a strange version of friends with benefits."

He stays silent, watching me. His stoic expression makes me wish I could read his mind.

Maybe it's a bad idea. I don't know how you could be friends with someone when you get this close to them; when their lips touch yours and they connect with you on an entirely different level.

Screw it. I'm going to die, so I won't have much time to fall in love with him, anyway. I refuse to get my hopes up about living past my sentence.

I trail the back of my hand across his cheek. His eyes flicker to my lips. I mouth the words kiss me.

He obeys almost immediately. His lips meet mine with force, as if he had been wanting to do this for a long time. He moans roughly against my lips. The sound sends butterflies to my stomach.

There is no doubt that I want him.

He carries me to a wooden counter and places me down, fitting his body between my legs. His lips still linger with the taste of pasta, which I don't mind at all. In fact, it's my new favourite flavour.

He pulls away, his breathing shallow. "Fuck," he whispers. I brush my thumb along his bottom lip, already impatient. I want him to moan my name.

He starts kissing along my jaw. I tilt my head to the side, giving him way to kiss my neck. My hand slides into his hair, soft moans leaving my lips as he bites my neck. Whoa. That feels incredible. "Don't stop," I demand, my eyes falling shut.

"Yes, ma'am," he says against my skin. I shiver, my eyelids growing heavy.

"Mmmmm." My mind goes blank. All I can do is feel the pleasure his lips provide.

His large, calloused hand slides up to grab my chest. He roughly plays with me. "Tell me what you want?" His voice is raspy.

What I want? "I want you to dance for me. Tease me a little."

His hands come to either side of the counter, caging me in. His lips tilt up at the corners. "Sing something for me to dance to, then."

"She asked me if I do this every day, I said often." I tilt my head back with laughter as he starts twerking badly. "Asked how many times she rode the wave..." More laughter. "Not so often."

He licks his lips, a smile on his face. "The Weeknd? I like your taste."

He starts dancing sensually. His body moves as if he knows exactly what he is doing. His perfect dance moves don't deserve my off-pitch singing, so I trail off.

My lips part. His eyes stay on mine the entire time. He starts unbuttoning the shirt of his uniform, his body swaying.

My body moves on its own accord. I slide off the counter and walk closer to him. My fingers trail down his smooth, toned chest. I slip both my index fingers into his belt loops and tug him closer to me.

He stumbles against me, his hair falling into his face. I reach up to brush it out the way.

"You are unbelievably beautiful."

I scoff. "Stop trying to get into my pants."

He bites his lip and takes my hand, placing it over his jeans. I can immediately feel how hard he is. What would that feel like inside me?

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