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Alex's POV

I take a step back, into the other guards chest, not knowing what to do. I can't fight both of them.

My heart starts racing. I'm sandwiched between two horrible people, and I have no doubt that this time I won't get away as easily.

"What do we have here, Robert?" Grant asks the guard behind me.

"A stupid little sl*t that needs to be punished really f*cking hard."

"Maybe we should call Ben. This girl will beg us to kill her after all three of us are done with her," Grant muses.

The officer, Robert, grabs my hands and handcuffs them tightly to make sure I won't fight again. The sound of the handcuffs locking breaks my heart.

This is it.

Maybe I should just let it happen. I'm going to die anyway, right? Better sooner than later.

I didn't want to die a virgin, maybe this is some horrible way of my prayers being answered.

"I rate we take her back to the old shower room. I'll get Ben and meet you there?" Grant says and winks down at me. "I can't wait to hear the way you scream as we f*ck all your holes."

I close my eyes and dip my head forward. It's over. I don't have a chance against three grown men.

"Excuse me?" a familiar voice says.

There's no way.

I look up at Cage, an unbelievable feeling of happiness coming over me.

"Oh, look, the goody-two-shoes is here," Grant says and rolls his eyes.

Cage rolls up his sleeves and then punches Grant square in the face.

"Bite me," Cage growls.

Grant stumbles back, clutching his now bleeding nose. I can't stop the smile that forms on my face. He deserves it.

"Let her go," he tells Robert. Robert shoves me forward, into Cage's arms, but doesn't unlock the handcuffs. Cage glances from Robert to Grant. "I'll deal with you two later."

Cage leads me away, back to my cell. As we're walking, I glance up at him. "I hate that you constantly have to save me. I'm not the damsel in distress type of girl, I swear."

"That's too bad, because I like the damsel in distress type. Why do you think I became a police officer?" he asks and smirks, looking ahead. "But if you don't want to be saved, stop getting into those situations."

"Gee, thanks for the great advice, Einstein." I roll my eyes.

"Your sarcasm is not appreciated," he states, making me smile.

"Did you really become an officer just because you like damsels?" I ask.

"No, of course not. I like making people feel safe. I like saving people's lives and protecting people. I like making sure the bad people get what they deserve," he explains. "The pretty, helpless girls that need me to save them is just a bonus."

Did he imply I was pretty?

I shake my head. He probably wasn't referring to me. I just have to know. "So, uh, which pretty helpless girls are you saving?" I ask.

We reach my cell and he unlocks it and then unlocks the handcuffs. I walk into the cell, rubbing my wrists. He doesn't reply. He just shuts the gate and locks it behind me, giving me a small smile though the bars before walking away.

"I'm not helpless! I could beat your ass if I wanted to!" I shout. That's probably not true, but that wouldn't stop me from trying.

"We will have to test that theory!" he shouts back.

I let out a small chuckle before going to sit on my bed. I pull out the notebook and pencil that I hid under my pillow earlier.

As soon as my pencil touches the page, my hands start moving, writing every feeling and thought out.


Cage unlocks the gate and pulls it open. "I want to tell you that those a*sholes won't bother you again, okay? I— What's that?"

Cage walks up to me on the bed and snatches the notebook and pencil out of my hands. "No!" I try to grab it back, but he moves it out of my reach.

I've written so much in there that nobody should see. Damn it! I've written things about him. He can't read it.

I stand up and try to get it from him, but he's too tall. I sigh and suddenly realize that while I was trying to grab my notebook, I got a little too close to Cage.

I pause and look up at him through my lashes. "Please?"

He tucks it into his back pocket. "The pencil can be used as a weapon."

"Okay, just don't read it then. Please, it's private. Please don't." I bite my lip, hoping he will agree.

He scoffs. "It's my notebook and pencil. That means whatever you wrote in it belongs to me now."

I sigh, knowing there is no point arguing. "Okay." I tilt my head down and pout, wanting to make him feel bad.

He tilts my chin up. "Are you okay, though? I mean, because of earlier. They didn't hurt you, did they?"

I shake my head. "You came before they did. They said they were going to call someone to join. Dean? I don't remember."


"Yeah, Ben." I take a deep breath, afraid to close my eyes. I know that all I'd be able to see is what they would have done to me.

He pats my shoulder, not really knowing what else to do. "I'm sorry. Nobody should have to go through that. Not even you."

"What do you mean 'not even me'?"

"You know how earlier I said I became a cop because I like making sure bad guys get what they deserve?" he asks. I nod. He leans closer and says, "You're the bad guy."


*Billie Eilish plays in the background*

Qotd: favourite hype song? ;)

T w i t t e r : xPineappleGirlx
I n s t a g r a m : laylaawrites
Y o u t u b e : xThePineappleGirlx

Lots of love and jelly tots - xThePineappleGirlx

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