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Cage's POV

I fold my arms across my chest and smirk at Alex. Her eyes are wide as she watches Grant and Robert from the other side of the grounds. She glances at me and then back at the guards.

They won't bother her or anyone else for a while.

They've got bruises and cuts all over. Grant has a cast wrapped around his arm. I should ask him if I can sign it. Call it my work of art, if you will.

Inmates start shouting when two officers bring in the man who is due to die today. I go around making sure the inmates don't get out of control.

The grounds is a large round room with a glass dome in the center. The man is thrown into the glass dome. He spins around a few times, not knowing what to do. A loud alarm goes off and the lights go with it.

I sigh and wait for the noise to stop. When the lights go back on and the alarm stops, the prisoner stands there, in the center of the dome, with his body completely mutilated.
His clothes are shredded with cuts that go through bone. He looks like he walked though a butcher shop for the blind.

He falls to his knees and I feel a part of myself breaking. I'm going to have to see this happen to Alex.

I shake my head. She's a murderer. Who knows what kind of person she is. Sure, she acts normal but maybe she's just gotten really good at hiding the psycho part of her.

As other people cheer and laugh, my eyes go to Alex. She is staring at the body that is lying limp on the floor. Her hands, which cover her mouth in shock, tremble. Tears pour down her eyes.

Suddenly, she freezes and turns to look at one of the other inmates in horror. I can't hear what is being said over all the other shouts.

She shouts something back and then attacks the inmate beside her. It gets very intense very quickly. They are grabbing at each other, ripping clothes, all of it.

I think this is a bad time to be getting turned on.

I run to them fast. A few other guards help me break the fight apart. I grab at Alex by her waist and pull her back. Soon, she stops fighting.

She falls back, into my body. We both freeze. Her is ass pressed against me and I know she can feel how hard I am. She turns to face me.

Before anything can happen, another guard— he must be new because it's not a face I recognize— pulls her back and handcuffs her arms. She doesn't fight it. Her eyes are locked with mine.

This was the psycho part of her. Just like everyone else in here, she's not a good person.

I step forward and hold onto her arm. Looking at the guard that handcuffed her, I say, "I'll take it from here."

"Man I wish I could be the one to punish her. She looks like she'll break easy," he admits.

She turns to look at the guard. "Try me!" she shouts. "I've made it through much worse than your b*tch-ass self. You can't break something that is already broken."

I pull Alex out the doors and down a hallway. "What did they do to him in that dome?" she questions. Once I know that nobody will see us, I stop and turn to her.

"I don't know. They won't tell us. They use it to try and torture the inmates watching, because nobody knows what will happen until they are standing in the dome themselves.  But the inmates love it. Those sick a*sholes." I shake my head in disgust.

"Are you going to hurt me for being in that fight? Am I going to be punished?"

"No." I turn her around and unlock her handcuffs. I hook the handcuffs through the belt buckle of my uniform and look up at her. "Why did you attack the other inmate?" I ask.

She clenches her hands into fists. When she looks back up at me, her expression is full of anger. "She was proud. She said that the man who was killed today used to rape and murder children. She said she killed a child once but mostly targeted black people. Every word out of her mouth made me so angry. I didn't think, I just attacked her. I couldn't hold myself back. I'm sorry. I..."

I pull her shaking body closer to me and wrap her in a tight hug.

"No," she whispers and pulls away from me. "Stop being nice."


Instead of answering, she runs.


A shorter chapter. I'm kind of liking this book, even though it's darker than what I'm used to. I've learnt so much from writing on Wattpad and so this book is helping me grow more. Thank you so much for reading and being a part of it.

Qotd: Do you think the death penalty should still exist? Why or why not?

T w i t t e r : xPineappleGirlx
I n s t a g r a m : laylaawrites
Y o u t u b e : xThePineappleGirlx

Lots of love and jelly tots - xThePineappleGirlx

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