Chapter 1 - "You"

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After four years at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry, Rose Evans could list many accomplishments, including but not limited to: turning all of the Gryffindors' hair green for a week; releasing nine Fanged Frisbees into the castle, numbered one to ten but missing a number seven; dyeing Professor Slughorn a particularly peculiar shade of pink; and receiving more detentions in her first year than all four of the Marauders put together.

Despite these many accomplishments, one thing Rose could not achieve was a pass in Transfiguration, which was why she found herself stood before Professor McGonagall after her second Transfiguration class of the year.

"Miss Evans," she began. "While you are a very intelligent young lady, I'm afraid that will not be enough for you to pass your O.W.Ls, let alone do well on them."
Rose bit her lip but remained silent. The truth was, Transfiguration did not come naturally to her. She excelled in Defence Against the Dark Arts, as well as in Charms. In Potions, she was passable, but generally she didn't have to put much effort in to get at least Exceeds Expectations.

"In light of this," continued McGonagall, "I have decided to assign you a tutor. Your first meeting will be in the library on Saturday at ten o'clock, and the two of you can decide the rest according to your schedules."

"Who is it?" Rose asked, but McGonagall merely smiled.

"One of my best students" was all Rose could get out of her in the end, so Rose left, a little irritated, but mostly wondering who it could be.

She decided it was likely to be a sixth year, since they would therefore know the O.W.L content, but wouldn't be taking any major exams like the seventh years. Aside from that though, there was no telling who it could be. She just hoped it wouldn't be her sister.

Rose and Lily had a complicated relationship. They had been the best of friends until Rose began to attend Hogwarts and was sorted into Slytherin, although that hadn't been the source of the problem. While Lily had been disappointed that Rose wasn't in Gryffindor with her, she didn't treat her any differently. After all, she already had one friend in Slytherin so what was another? Especially since it was her sister.

Rose however, had wanted freedom, and being in Slytherin was only the beginning of that.
At the start, her experience had been nothing short of terrible, considering she was the only Muggleborn in a house full of racist purebloods, but her housemates soon came to begrudgingly respect her pranks and Slytherin nature. Ironically, that had been what pushed Lily away.

After one particular prank in her second year (in which she had enchanted half of the books in the library to fly around twittering like birds,) Lily had snapped, and the resulting argument was still spoken of in hushed voices as 'The Evans Incident.'
Since then they had barely spoken, and never without snide insults accompanied by matching sneers.

Rose really hoped that the tutor wouldn't be her sister.

It was Thursday morning when she had spoken to McGonagall, and so the two days leading up to Saturday morning felt like forever.

"I don't understand why she couldn't just tell me" she complained to her friend Valentina on Friday, as Rose stirred their cauldron sixteen times counter clockwise.

"She must have a reason" Valentina said. "Besides, I'm sure she wouldn't choose your sister. Even the first years know that putting you two in close quarters is a recipe for disaster."

"Yes but Lily is exactly the type to volunteer to tutor people Tina" Rose countered, the spoon loudly grating against the bottom of the cauldron.

"Hey watch the potion Rose! That's sixteen." Tina stepped back slightly as the mixture bubbled.

"Oh right. Sorry. Newt tails?" Rose stopped stirring and looked to the desk, as Valentina picked up the thinly sliced tails and carefully dropped them into the cauldron. Rose put the spoon on the desk and turned the heat of the cauldron down. According to the instructions they were meant to let it simmer for five minutes, before adding crystallised gurdyroot.

"So anyway. Who else could it be?" Rose asked, lowering her voice as Professor Slughorn walked past. He looked in their cauldron and nodded approvingly before continuing on.

"What about Lupin?" Suggested Tina. "He's one of the top students, and prefect too with your sister. Or Martins in Ravenclaw? I heard he got an O on his O.W.L"

Rose shrugged. "I guess. And Transfiguration has never been Lily's best subject. She's better at Charms. Still got an O in Transfiguration though. Urgh, Summer was awful with mum and dad fawning over their perfect little Lilyflower." She rolled her eyes. "Speaking of Martins, I saw you looking at him during the Quidditch final last year." Rose smirked at Valentina.

Tina ducked her head slightly, a small smile on her face. "He's the Ravenclaw Keeper. Of course I was looking at him. He stops the goals being scored." She looked up at Rose unconvincingly innocent. "Besides, I was mostly focusing on the rest of the match."

"So who was that match against again?" Asked Rose, still smirking.

"Gryffin...puff?" She mumbled, wincing.

"That's what I thought."

"Alright I might have a slight crush on him" Tina whispered. "But you have to admit he's hot."

Rose laughed. "Not my type, but I guess. And ok, if it's him I'll put in a good word for you - but you owe me." She smiled.

"Yes! You're the best!" Tina hugged Rose tightly, jumping up and down. Rose smiled, hugging her back.

"Calm down! We don't even know who it is yet" she laughed. Valentina released her and Rose turned back towards the cauldron.
"I think it's been about five min- OH SHIT!"

Potion suddenly exploded out of the cauldron, splattering all over her, Tina and the pair next to them. It had definitely been five minutes.

Rose had spent the rest of Friday in the Hospital Wing, and before she left, Madam Pomfrey had kindly given her a sleeping potion to help her body recover overnight.
As a result, when she woke up at five past ten feeling a little drowsy but generally well rested, her mind was peaceful and clear.

She was brushing her teeth ten minutes later when she remembered.
"Fuck!" She mumbled around her toothbrush, freezing for a second in panic, before rushing to get ready.

It was almost half past ten when she ran into the library, panting for breath. Her tie was slung around her neck, hair a frazzled mess, shirt untucked and buttoned wrong, and her eyes were wide and desperate. Despite not really wanting a tutor, Rose was aware that she did have to pass her Transfiguration O.W.L at the end of the year.

Looking around, hoping the tutor hadn't left yet, she saw him. Feet up on the table, casually leaning on the back legs of his chair, carefully guiding a small paper aeroplane around with his wand.

The aeroplane flew into a wall as he saw her, crumpling as his lips curled upwards and he let out a bellowing laugh, almost sending him onto the floor before he rocked his chair back onto all four legs.

Finally his laughter slowed to a chuckle, as Rose glared at him silently.

"Evans. How nice that you showed up," he smirked, "and looking absolutely spectacular might I say."

Rose's jaw clenched.


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So I think it was a little obvious, but were you surprised that she's in Slytherin? This chapter was a bit of an overview, but you got to meet Tina, and I wonder who that is at the end?? 😂
I hope you liked this chapter and the story so far, feel free to comment (constructive criticism welcome but no hate please) and leave a vote!
Thanks for reading! Xx 💚

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