Chapter 16 - "Guidance And Stuff"

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"Why do you think you're here, Mr Potter?" Professor McGonagall asked James.

"Professor, Fabian and Gideon weren't really hitting each other with their bats. I stopped it, I swear," protested James, shifting uncomfortably under her piercing stare.

Her mouth curved up at the corner. "While that does sound a little concerning, I can assure you that we're not here to talk about Mr and Mr Prewett."

"So what am I in for?"

His head of house had intercepted him as he was leaving the Quidditch changing room with Sirius after the Gryffindor team's evening practice, and had told him nothing apart from that she needed a word with him.

She took a tin out from a drawer. "Have a biscuit Potter."

Slightly confused, he took a Ginger Newt and bit its head off with a satisfying snap.

"Now, I understand your team has been practicing five times a week since the match against Hufflepuff?"

"Yes Professor. Why?"

"And what about your private practices?"

James coughed as he almost inhaled a piece of biscuit. He had been sneaking out to fly around the pitch, usually with a spare quaffle from the broom shed, at night when he hadn't been able to sleep. He hadn't realised that McGonagall knew about it though.

"I- it's just extra. I was off my game in the last match and I need to get us back on track." He said quickly, hoping she would believe his partial truth.

McGonagall raised her eyebrows. "And that's the only reason you have already been on the pitch for fifteen hours this week by Tuesday?"

"Have I?"

"Have another biscuit Potter, you're going to need it," she said, offering him the tin again. "In fact, take two."

James did as she told him, feeling more and more confused by the second. He stuffed half of one in his mouth, and promptly choked again when the teacher spoke.

"How do you feel about Miss Evans, Mr Potter?"

Once he had stopped coughing for the second time, he answered. "You know I love her. I've only shouted it in the Great Hall a hundred times. Why are we talking about this anyway?"

McGonagall sighed. "Along with teaching, as your head of house one of my duties is pastoral care. Do you know what that means?"

"That's like guidance and stuff, right?" He said.

An amused smile formed on her lips. "Yes Mr Potter. 'Guidance and stuff,' as you so eloquently put it."

James's cheeks went pink, and McGonagall's smile turned to a motherly expression.

"James, you are here because I am concerned about your relationship with both Rose and Lily Evans, and while you are under no obligations, I feel that talking to me about it could benefit you."

"Oh." James was even more confused now. "But I have a good relationship with both of them. We're friends."

"Perhaps it would be good to talk about each sister separately. Shall we start with Lily? You've known her longer, after all."

James nodded. "Ok. I met her in first year, I thought she was pretty, and then I fell in love with her, and I've been trying to get her to go on a date with me since."

It seemed obvious to him. He wasn't sure what McGonagall wanted to hear. He had always been open to the whole of Hogwarts about his love for Lily.

"And this year?" She asked. "After many years of her barely tolerating you, you seem to have become good friends with her."

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