Chapter 4 - "We Could Cause Considerable Chaos"

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"It can't look like it's out of the blue, it has to be understandable to an outsider." Said Rose.

She was pacing in front of James at the top of the Astronomy Tower, while behind her, thunder boomed and lightning sparked in the sky.

"So first of all, you have to stop paying Lily attention, but gradually, not all of a sudden." She paused for a second and looked at him, "that's important. Say you ask her out twice a week, first bring it down to once a week, and then not at all. And what do you usually do when you see her?"

"Erm, say hi?" James looked confused and a little terrified at what he'd gotten himself into.

"What you just say hi? No cheesy pickup lines or making a fool of yourself?"

James mumbled something into his ice cream and Rose sighed.

"Just tone it down gradually ok? Like I said. That's stage one." Rose thought for a second and then added, "oh and you should start spending more time with me too, outside of our tutoring sessions, and publicly. We could eat together a few times a week, maybe study together - we have a free period together on Mondays I think."

"Right." James nodded. "Less Lily, more you. If that's stage one, what's stage two?"

"Stage one will be implemented over at least two weeks, if not longer. Stage two is when you ask me out, publicly and ideally with a large audience. It has to be big, and dramatic, and I will of course accept."

She paused again to look at him, and James took the break to interject "will Lily be there?"

Rose mused. "In some ways doing it in front of her would be good, because we get to see her reaction right away, but then again, her not being there shows that you've entirely moved on and it's nothing to do with her. It really just depends when and where we decide to do it. I was thinking at breakfast because most people will be there, but we can discuss it closer to the time."

James nodded again. "And after that?"

"After that, is the fake dating, and it has to look realistic. Obviously we're not going to go too far," Rose's cheeks heated for a moment as she imagined 'too far' with James Potter, and he spluttered, almost choking on his ice cream as he caught onto her meaning.

"But like I said, realistic. It's better to discuss first what we're willing to do and not do, so we don't accidently surprise each other. Like kissing." Her face felt very warm.

"I guess I'm alright with kissing," said James, and Rose nodded.

"Ok. But only if you're sure. I understand if you don't want to. Make sure to tell me if you change your mind." She paused again to get a nod of confirmation from him before continuing.

"As well as being together in public, we need to go on dates, flirt, you should probably get me flowers and chocolates now and then. I'll come to your Quidditch games to support you."

Her eyebrows creased together. "I think that's it really. Anything else?"

James thought for a second. "Can I tell the guys?"

"I'm guessing by 'the guys' you mean Black, Lupin and Pettigrew?"

He nodded, and she took a few moments before replying, "it depends on how trustworthy you think they are. If we don't tell them, they could figure it out themselves and spoil the whole thing, but then fooling them would prove that we look genuine enough. If we tell them, they can help cover for us if something happens, but again, they could say the wrong thing to the wrong person and ruin it."

She took a deep breath and looked him in the eyes. "How much do you trust your friends Potter?"

He looked back and replied, unhesitatingly, "I would trust any of them with my life."

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