Chapter 17 - "Cough Up"

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Matthew and Valentina were heading to meet Rose in the library when Sirius strolled up behind the two and slung an arm over each of their shoulders, calmly steering them into a nearby hidden passageway.

Matthew had his wand out as soon as Sirius released him.

"What do you want Black?"

Sirius rolled his eyes and sighed, putting his hands up to show he wasn't holding his wand.

"Now now Avery, let's not get too trigger-happy," he drawled. "I'm here about Rose."

"Why should we trust you?" Asked Valentina.

"Because she's my friend and I want her to be happy, and I need your help."

The two exchanged a look, before simultaneously narrowing their eyes at Sirius.

"Go on," said Matthew, and Sirius almost sighed in relief. He had been scared they wouldn't listen to him.

"Ok, so Rose loves James right? And James is, to put it kindly, an idiot, when it comes to feelings."

"How much of a waste of our time is this going to be Black?" Valentina interjected.

Sirius glared at her. "Well if you keep interrupting me it'll be longer." He huffed in annoyance.

"Anyway, my point is, James has finally realised he has feelings for Rose - like I told her he did - and he wants to ask her out on her birthday. All you two need to do is keep it a secret and get her up to the Astronomy Tower on her birthday, after eight o'clock." He explained, nervously awaiting their reaction.

"We'll do it." Valentina said.

"Will we?" Matthew turned to her, frowning. "Potter is the reason she was so upset in the first place."

Valentina simply looked at him, and after withstanding her stare for a few seconds he let out a sound of annoyance and turned away.

"Alright. We'll do it," he grumbled.

"Fabulous!" Sirius grinned, bringing his hands together in a loud clap that made Matthew jump. Sirius smirked. "That'll be all. I bid you adieu."

Whirling around, he started off, but didn't make it out of the passage before he heard Matthew behind him.

"Black! Wait a minute."

Sirius turned back.

"Tell Potter that if-" Matthew was cut off by Valentina.

"If Rose ever comes back crying again and it's because of Potter, you'll be scraping what's left of him off of his beloved Quidditch pitch."

Her eyes flashed dangerously, and Sirius couldn't help but shudder. Secretly, he thought that the threat was much scarier coming from her - a girl half his size and a year younger than him - than it would have been from Matthew.

"Don't worry Newman," he said. "If James ever hurt Rose... well, I'd be on your side."


Rose's birthday, the 28th of April, fell on a Tuesday that year, so she had lessons, but enjoyed the day nevertheless.

She had woken up to Queen playing from her record player and Matthew and Tina leaning over her with wide grins. As soon as they had seen she was awake they had shouted happy birthday at her, almost deafening her.

When Rose had recovered from the shock they had moved aside to reveal Alicia and Regulus coming through the doorway, carrying a large chocolate cake, which the five of them had proceeded to gorge themselves on instead of going to breakfast.

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