I feel my hands itch,
Wanting to tear away at my skin.
Rip off this facade
Maybe it's a lie.
This part of my skin
Must be hiding another within.I don't know where it all went wrong,
My steps are heavy.
And I swallow back my tears.
Once again, my heart is left heavy.
Why didn't you tell me?
Why am I like this?
Do you believe me?
Did you ever?I don't know who I am anymore.
Could I have been wrong?
Could all of this be wrong?
It was just a conversation
Which turned so fast
And threw me into the deep bowels of hell.
My words, are hooked.I don't know what to say.
I believed I will not disappoint you,
I thought that one day "us" would be normal.
This itching in my chest,
This desire to solely defend my virtue,
It's all in there.
But at the end its just my pride,
My useless pride.It pops and boils till it covers me in blood.
With no more tears left to cry,
And no more words left to say,
I'm sad.
I'm worried.
I'm angry at myself.
I'm cold.
These days, I wonder what we truly are
And whether I can ever go back to normal
With you.

Tell Me Something
Poetry~where I tell you many things~ It would be a lie if I say I don't feel many things. I feel alot. But I also do not feel anything most times. If I change my skin and become someone else, will you still understand me? Why don't I tell what I think? _ ...