You're like a burning volcano
Inside you keep warm and hot
All those things you wanna say
This things you need to understand
I know you feel them anyway
You're trying out the good life
Maybe it will give you peace
You're putting your coins in the fountains
Just to make a wish
But I know you
You're indomitable
You're the one who sees and thinks
You're not a liar
And you know what to do
You know how far to go
Even if you wanna stay away
I think you already know
There's no place like home
So don't keep those questions
burning deep within you
Don't try to hate the world all by yourself
Don't smile too much to convince everyone
Don't think that you're all that you need
There's a reason that you're a part of me
We have a place in the sanctuary
All our tears are burning within
Your prayers are not forgotten
Your sighs will not be forever
I don't know how to be like you
Honestly I don't need to
I don't know you but I know you
That's just how messy it feels.
But you will always have my hand
Just look out and see me stretching to you.
Tell Me Something
Poetry~where I tell you many things~ It would be a lie if I say I don't feel many things. I feel alot. But I also do not feel anything most times. If I change my skin and become someone else, will you still understand me? Why don't I tell what I think? _ ...