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Peter spun in his chair, thinking of the equation. He paused for a minute, frowning blankly at a wall before twisting back to his desk to scribble the answer.

There. He dropped his pen on the desk like a mic drop, satisfies with his work as he stuffed it in his bag for the next day. His music was cut off abruptly when his phone started ringing.

"Pronto?" It was an unknown number, possibly a scam, so he answered in Italian, planning to babble his head off in the language is it was a scam.

"Tony? Look, I just wanted to check in you because-"

"I'm sorry ma'am, this isn't Tony."

"Oh. I'm sorry, wrong number."

Peter paused. " Are you okay? You seem a bit distressed."

The woman on the other ended sighed slightly. "Yeah I'm just worried about my husband. He hasn't been doing well lately, with nightmares and panic attacks. Sorry, I didn't mean to bother you-"

"Oh, no, it's fine." Peter tapped his pen on the desk, thinking. "I might be able to give you a few tips for you husband."


"I generally meditate before I got to sleep, especially if I've had a stressful day cause it helps calm down and relax. And maybe when he has a panic attack ask him 5 things he can see, 4 things he can hear, 3 things he can feel, 2 things he can smell and 1 thing he can taste. It sorta helps ground you and brings you back."

The lady was silent for a few seconds. "Thanks for the tips. I'll keep that in mind. And if you don't mind me asking, why do you know all this?"

"Um... I've sorta had my share of attacks and bad nights so... yeah. But if you need anything else, or someone to talk to just call me. What should I call you? Cause you can call me Redback."

"Thank you and call me Spice. I have to go now, but I do appreciate the help."

"Anytime, Mrs Spice. Have a good night."


The call ended and Peter smiled. He always enjoyed helping people, feeling the warm fuzziness in his heart. It was nice.

"Peter! Dinner!"

The boy jumped up and plugged his phone in an headed out to try a crispy casserole made by his loving aunt.


Pepper put the phone down after adding in the contact. Feedback seemed like a nice kid, willing to help her.

"Hey Pep." An exhausted Tony stumbled into the room and flopped onto the couch.

"Honey, you really shoukd get some sleep." She took his hand and began to gently rub it with her thumb.

"You know I can't do that. They're not going away."

Pepper looked into his tired eyes. "I have something that might help."



The billionaire raised an eyebrow. "Really."

"Really. I accidentally called someone and they said that's that what they do so-"

"You talked to a stranger about your life?"

"Not my life, but I did say that my husband was having some problems."

Tony sighed. "They could be a spy."

"They're like, 14."

Tony knew from her face that she wasn't lying. He exhaled heavily in defeat. "All right, let's try it."

Tony fell asleep that night after listening to calming music and slept like a baby. No nightmares, nothing.

The kid certainly knew something, that's for sure.

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