i dont know what to name it ill come back to it

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Peter slumped down in his chair with a soft 'hmph' next to Ned.

"Hey man, what's up?" Ned elbowed his friend kindly, grabbing Peter's attention.

"Update on the agents thing: the avengers are after me now."

"What!?" Ned dropped to a whisper-shout as Peter shushed him. "No way! That's sick!"

"Dude they tried to hurt me! It's not good, ok?"

New shrugged and stood up, swinging his bag over his shoulder. "Still kind of cool though. Let's get to Chem."

Peter obliged and trudged out the door only to be shovednl to the floor by none other that Eugene Thompson.

"Sup Puny Parker! How's the floor? Probably just as clean as your house, since you can't even afford air to breathe!"

Flash and his friends laughed as Peter slowly picked himself off the floor, only to be pushed back down by a foot.

"Yeah don't think I'm letting you go that easily."

Peter stared as a teacher walked by, not even looking at them, wincing as a heel pressed into the small of his back.

"I have maths homework for you to do by the time school finishes. See you at your locker, orphan." Flash kicked Peter and walked away, leaving Ned to help his friend off the dirty ground.

"Dude, why don't you tell someone?"

"I can't." Peter rubbed his side gingerly. "I can't let him pick on someone else, and the school won't listen because his parents will sue them."

New sighed and shook his head, leading Peter to his next class. "You gotta tell someone mate."

Peter just stared at the ground.


"Hey May!" Peter pulled out his headphones and walked through the kitchen, giving his aunt a hug.

"Hey kiddo, how was school?"

"Meh." He dumped his bag in his room. "Sane old, same old. Just boring, not much."

"Still have that Eugene kid after you?" She asked, noticing her nephew's slight limp.

He nodded.

"I'm sorry baby. I've tried everything, but the school won't listen."

"I know." He let May wrap her arms around him, inhaling her perfume.

His phone buzzed.


Mr Mechanic
Hey kid
How was school?

How'd you know?
And boring
Just learning things I already know

Mr Mechanic
Did you say that you made a software on your phone?

Yeah it was easy
I prefer building and engineering more than coding tho

Mr Mechanic
I see
You like science?

Heck yes it's my favourite subject
I've read all of Dr banners books

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