... *silence from my end*

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Tony sank to the floor, rubbing his temples. Fury was giving him serious anxiety about everything and he was finding it hard to handle. Along with Pepper discovering she was pregnant and trying to run the company, now he had stupid Eye-patch breathing down his neck about a seemingly impossible task. All of this, plus Tony's anxiety was not an equation one wanted to know the answer to.

He inhaled deeply, trying to fend off the ache growing just under his ribs, but it was no use. Breathing started to hurt as the pain grew and he curled in tighter, resting his head on his knees.

He needed to talk to someone, now.

Fumbling for his phone, he pulled open his contacts and tapped the first one, not even reading the name.

A quiet voice picked up. "Hello? Mr Mechanic?"

"Hey, kid." Tony rested his head back against the wall, taking in a shaky breath. "How do you deal with anxiety attacks?"

"Oh shoot." There was some clattering at the other end as the kid did something, probably moved something around. "Those are not fun."

"Mm. Tell me about it."

"Well, if it's of any interest to you, im trying to find the gradient for this line. I- I'm just finishing my math homework before I forget, 'cause I do that a lot."

The kid, Redback, was more worried about his homework then he was about the man having an anxiety attack on the other end? Tony rolled his eyes. "What are the coordinates?"

"(2,-6) and (-7,-8)"

"Right." Tony calculated quickly, then gave him the answer. "The gradient is - 2/9."

"Thank you so much." The sound if a ballpoint pen against paper could be heard very faintly. "Um... How did you work it out?"

"You minus the rise from the run, so it's (2nd y coordinate - 1st y coordinated) ÷ (2nd x - 1st x)."

"Thaaaank you. Oooooh, yep."

They continued working on the math work for a good half an hour, Tony helping the kid solve the different questions. It was somewhat entertaining, giving Tony's mind something to do. Eventually the kid spoke up.

"So, how are you feeling now?"

Tony blinked, confused for a second. Then her remembered why he was on the floor. The pain in his stomach had gone away, though he still felt a little shaky. "I'm feeling much better... why?"

The kid chuckled softly. "I distracted you with my homework."

Tony slapped his forehead. Of course the kid was caring about his state. He knew exactly what he was doing. "And let me guess: you knew how to solve those equations fine?"

The billionaire could almost hear the sheepish smile. "Uh... yeah."

Tony chuckled. "Well, thanks for that. I appreciate it."

"Hey, yeah, it's no problem. Just call if it happens again."

"See yah kid."


Tony hung up and dragged himself to his feet. He always felt better with a little lab work. "Hey FRI? Why don't we figure out these webs, shall we?"

* * * * *

Peter jogged up to the doors of the Avengers Tower the next morning, trying to brush his curls back into place. The doors opened and he stepped in, swiping his card and heading up to the penthouse. The elevator was glass, and although that may have terrified some, it was relaxing for Peter. There was something calming about having the city below him, almost floating with the clouds.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2022 ⏰

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