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Small droplets fell from the sky, covering the city in a sheen of water. Sounds of cars splashing through puddles were mixed with the soft pattering of rain, almost like small feet running across the rooftops. The golden road reflected in Spider-man's eyes as he surveyed the scene below him. The stupidly soothing rain meant that practically no one was about, which was really annoying for someone who wanted to kick crime's butt.

Eventually the arschnid sighed and pulled his phone out of his pocket, seeing if he could engage in some form of late night socialization. His eyescaught hold of the group chat.


Mr Mechanic
What are you doing awake?

It's only 9pm

Star-spangled Frisbee
Like you're one to talk, Mechanic

Mr Mechanic
Shut it popsicle
This is his life, not mine

Star-spangled Frisbee
Weren't you up till 3am last night?

Mr Mechanic
I have my reasons

Lemme change something real quick

Redback has changed Mr Mechanic's name to Mr Hypocrite Mechanic

Mr Hypocrite Mechanic
That's a bit rude
Respect your elders

Star-spangled Frisbee
Yeah, respect your elders

Mr Plum


Mr Hypocrite Mechanic
We gotta go kid, but it was nice talking

Star-spangled Frisbee
Bye son

Mr Plum


Peter set down his phone, a small smile on his lips. He liked having someone to talk to.

He had been enjoying the sounds of Queens when a sharp tingle jerked him back. Crap, he thought, I forgot about them.

The first thing he noticed was the size of the group. They had brought nearly everyone, apparently. A fast blur ran past the vigilante, blue with a streak of silver. They have Quicksilver here tonight, so that means his sister can't be far behind.

He was correct. No sooner had Pietro run past, Peter felt a force latch around his forearms. They went numb, moving under the will of none other then the Scarlet Witch.

"Spider-Man." Captain America stepped out from the shadows, along with the rest of his team. Wanda's eyes were glowing a fierce red, controlling Peter's arms. "Stand down."

"What would you do if I were to stand up?"

Steve blinked, confused. "Wha- nevermind. We need you to come with u-"

Peter had had enough. Clicking the two middle fingers down, he managed to aim a sticky web at Wanda, causing her to loose focus. With his arms free, he whirled on the other Avengers. First, he webbed down the speedy Sokovian, listening to his Spidey sense as he aimed the web. Next came Steve, who very conveniently held his shield out in front of him.

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