sffsgagagagsv I'm a lazy banana

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"Yo, dork, quit staring out the window and focus," MJ hissed under her breath.

Peter snapped to attention, just as the teacher called him out to answer the question. "Uh, mass cancels out, so it's gravity times sine."

"Good job Peter." The teacher turned back to the blackboard, missing Flash's glare as he mouthed a "you're dead" to Peter. Flash had been really grumpy the entire day, much to Peters confusion. It was only yesterday that Flash had been so cocky and strutting around the school about his 'precious internship'. Ugh, Peter rolled his eyes internally. Flash and that stupid internship. He was just glad that he hadn't gotten it.

Or so he thought-


"Hey Tony." Pepper unlocked to door to her husband's lab grabbing his attention as he pulled his eyes from the holographic screen.

"Oh hey Pep." He turned back to the screen, frowning.

"I heard about your intern."

"Mhm. Definitely a fraud." He purposely chose to ignore the stack of papers Pepper had placed on his desk. "The question is; how did he do it?"

Pepper wrapped an arm around him, studying the scores. Her head cocked slightly as she saw the lowest score. "Hey FRIDAY, can you pull up the scanned copies of the tests?" The AI complied willingly. The woman studied them closely. "Bring up the one by... who was the intern?"

"Eugene Thompson."

"Eugene." The exam popped up, revealing his name in a spiky cursive. The answers to the majority of the questions, however, were printed in a round print, a stark contrast to the last page.

"Hang on a minute." Tony had caught on to what his wife was doing. "They're different handwritings."

Pepper nodded, then paused. "So who did the other stuff?"

Tony had a sneaking suspicion on who. "FRI, bring up the paper with 0%."

This time it was reversed. The name was printed neatly in the top corner with the sharp, jagged scribbles dotting the page under the questions.

"We have a winner." Tony laughed softly. "Thought we wouldn't notice, but we did. FRIDAY?"

"Yes sir?"

"Send an email to Peter Parker. He has an internship."


If there were aliens or hounds chasing after Peter, he would be running just as fast as he was then. He bolted to his locker, fumbling with the lock, before slamming it shut. However, the odds we against him once again. A hand grabbed the collar of his shirt, stopping him from tearing away at light speed.


Peter groan. "Flash."

The bully slammed Peter against the lockers with a loud clang. "I'm holding you responsible."

"For what?" It came out as a squeak.

"I lost my internship because of you."

It was times like this that Peter wished MJ was there to throw a snarky comment at Flash, something just as simple as "sure it wasn't your over-inflated ego and your stupidity that caused you to lose it?"

But no, she was on the other end of the school.

Flash grew madder the longer Peter stayed silent. After all, what was one supposed to say? Peter tensed as the fist came flying for his nose, gasping as his head smacked against the metal. He collapsed onto the floor, reeling as he felt a foot collide with his ribcage. The hallway had cleared now, leaving the bully with the nerd.

"You're dead, Parker. No one cares anyway." Flash landed one last kick to Peters stomach before stalking off, the doors swinging behind him. Peter rolled over groaning. The burn on his stomach had split, he knew it but there wasn't much he could do about that.

He lay there for a little while, enjoying the quiet aura filling the halls as rays of sunlight filtered lazily through the long windows. It was odd how different school seems when there's no one there.

Eventual,y he decided to leave. Gingerly, he picked himself off the floor, wincing slightly. It would heal. But right now Peter really needed some food. Just as he reached the door, however, his phone buzzed. The boy pulled open his emails and stared gobsmacked at the new one.

"No, no no no no no this can not be happening." He growled in frustration. Curse Parker Luck.

To Mr Peter Parker
You have been accepted into Stark Industries as a personal intern. We ask that you start tomorrow at approximately 4:00 pm sharp. Do not wear anything fancy or extravagant: you will be doing work.
Enjoy your day

Stark Industries

"WHY? Of ALL the STUPID THINGS to HAPPEN!" Peter screamed softly in frustration and tore out the doors, rushing home as fast as he could. He slammed the door open, fuming slightly.

"Oh my gosh Peter! You scared me!" May breathed deeply, a hand on her heart.

Peter, in response, collapsed on the couch and screamed into a pillow.

"..." May blinked, somewhat concerned. "That is not what I expected. What's up?"

"I got the stupid internship."

"The internship to what now?" She pulled him up and handed him a sandwich.

"Stark. Flipping. Industries." Somehow Peter still managed to look as thunderous as a cinnamon roll could while he ripped a chunk of the sandwich off with a bite.

"Oh." May struggled to find the words. "And this is a bad thing...?"

"Yes, because it means I'll be closer to the Avengers, who very conveniently seem to be trying to capture me!"

"You can keep a secret."

Peter looked doubtfully at his aunt. "Need I remind you of Ned, MJ, you-"

"Ok ok I get the message." She clucked under her breath softly, thinking. "Could you... this is stupid, but could you maybe use this as an advantage? Like, use it to sabotage them from finding you or..."

Peter looked at her in awe, a new light growing in his eyes. "You're a genius May!" Before she knew what was happening, his arms were wrapped around her neck. "I love you."

"I love you too." May smiled. "Now, are you going on patrol tonight?"

"I'm going! Bye love you see you later I promise I won't die!" Peter bolted into his room, shutting the door behind him.

May merely laughed and set about in an attempt to prepare for dinner.

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