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May looked up as the door banged open. "Peter, please don't bang the door."

Her nephew apologised and walked over to the couch and dropped down, his face obscured by the cushions.

"I'm going to take it that you didn't have a good time?"

"Mr Stark wants me to help the Avengers capture me," Peter sighed, rolling over and falling off the couch. "Ow."

May pulled him off the floor. "So, what do you do?"

"I don't know, I can't exactly help them."

The woman frowned slightly, staring at the wall. "This is probably a bad idea, but... what if you use this to your advantage?"


"Well, who knows the most about Spidey? You. So you have full control over what information you give them. And I don't like telling people to lie, but it is for your safety." May turned to him with a smile.

Peter blinked. "So, I sabotage them?"

May nodded.

"I guess that could work. But what do I do if  they find out?"

May shrugged. "I guess that's up to you to find out."


"Hey dorks," MJ said as she sat down.

"Hey MJ," Ned said as Peter chewed quickly on his sandwich.

"Sorry," he said when he finished. "Hi."

MJ rolled her eyes with a smile. "So nice been thinking-"

"You've been thinking? Ow! I was joking!" Peter recoiled as the girl whacked the back of his head.

"Yes I think," she said, "I'm the only one in the group who does, apparently."

"Heyyyy!" Ned whined. "I'm the guy in the chair!"

"I still think the most. ANYWAY, back to what I was saying..." She pulled out a notebook from the depths of her back and slapped it on the table. "After you messaged me about your predicament, I came up with an idea."

Peter raised an eyebrow warily.

MJ cotinued. "The best way to take down opponents is to know their weaknesses. For example, I know yours is peppermint and Raid, so if I were to ever get into a fight, I would bring those along. Since you're fighting the Avengers, you're going to need their weaknesses."

"Okay," Peter said, not following where this was going.

"So you make an encyclopedia of the Avengers and put in as many details about them as you can. Since you have an internship, you might as well make the most of it." MJ passed him the notebook. "I've started with the names."

Peter and Ned peered over the notebook. "Bucky's full name is James Buchanan Barnes?" Ned asked.

"Better than Steven Grant Rogers," Peter replied.

"My personal favourite is Anthony Edward Stark," MJ said.

Ned looked up at her, confused. "Say what?"

"That's Ironman's full name, dork."

Peter flipped through the mostly blank pages. "So I'm going to sabotage the Avengers and find out their weaknesses."

"Yup," MJ said grimly.

"This is one massive risk to take," Peter sighed.


Peter stepped out of the elevator and into the penthouse, trying to ready himself for his internship. Nat was on the bench and gave him a small wave. "Tony's on his way."

"Thank you."

She studied him curiously. "Say, why did you switch papers with the jerk?"

"What do you mean?"

"For the internship exam. You switched papers with him so that he got the better mark."

Peter swallowed. "Oh uh, yeah... He really wanted the internship so..."

Nat nodded, her eyes still trained on his. "Okay."

Tony came running up the stairs, running his fingers through his gelled hair. "Ugh, that meeting was a pain. Hey kid, sorry for the delay. You ready?" Tony reached out an arm and Peter, out of nowhere  flinched away. Tony blinked, confused and a little hurt.

"Sorry," Peter chuckled nervously, "It's a force of habit." He walked down the stairs out of sight, missing the concerned look Tony gave Nat.

"Did you see that?" He whispered.

Nat shrugged. She knew exactly why he had flinched, but she wasn't going to let Tony know. The man would have Fury there in a heartbeat. "Just keep an eye on him."

Tony nodded and followed Peter down the the lab. "How're you doing?"

Peter looked up. "I'm doing pretty well," he said. "How about you?"

"I'm not too shabby myself."

They got to work, working on repairing some damaged wires in the Ironman suit. Peter was debating on whether or not to begin his sabotaging, but Tony was watching him closely. So he fixed it, earning a smile of praise from Tony.

Things started getting weird when Peter's phone pinged. Taking a quick glance at his phone, he saw it was from the group chat.

Well, we haven't talked in a long time

That's because we use the other chat

But that one doesn't have Redback

Peter was about to respond when he noticed Tony typing on his phone. Not a second later, a new message popped up.

Mr Mechanic
We probably bored the kid out of his brain
You guys are all boring as heck*
Oh screw the kids software

Peter turned his notifications off from the group chat and put his phone back in his pocket.  Unless it was by pure chance that Tony was messaging someone else, Tony was Mr Mechanic. After all he was a mechanic, he worked at Stark Industries and he had a bad sleeping routine.

He thought back to the other people. Dash and Violet had to be Wanda and Pietro, Star-Spangled Frisbee was self-explanitory, San was the Falcon, Merida was Hawkeye, Dr Gamma would have to be Bruce Banner, Anastasia was... Peter frowned. She was Russian, right? So Anastasia was probably Natasha.

"Okay sorry about that kid, my colleagues were spamming me."

"Nah it's fine." Peter for back to work, but his mind was elsewhere. Part of him wanted to delete the chat and not have anything to do with the numbers, but a nagging feeling at the back of his mind told him to stay. Maybe he could use the chat to his advantage....

Somewhere, in a dark warehouse, he stepped out. "How's the imaging going?" He asked.

Another man, seated hunched over a computer, turned around at the sound of his boss's voice. "It's coming along smoothly. Think we can get the drones from Stark yet?"

"I have a bigger target on my hands. One that will cause absolute chaos to our plan if he finds out." He stalked over to a board, the imaging covering his identity dying out and revealing the man's true form. He jabbed at the image of the masked vigilante on the board with a pin, watching it sink through the hero's chest.

"I have a spider to catch."

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