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"When do you think well see him?" Nat whispered to Wanda. The girl slid the cup of hot chocolate over to her mother figure and took a sip of her own beverage.

"He didn't say," she hissed into her cup. "He just said today."

They both looked up simultaneously at Tony, who had just walked out of the elevator.

"That... that was creepy. Aaaanyway, my new intern is arriving in...-" he glanced down at his watch, "-approximately three minutes."

Nat smirked. "Is it the one with zero per-"

"Yes it is the one with zero percent." The man flopped down on a stool, grabbing a cup of coffee. "I am not ready."

Wanda looked between the two, confused. "Intern? As in one from high school?"

"Yup." Tony missed the look Wanda shared with Nat.

Before anyone could respond, the doors to the elevators opened and Happy stepped out, followed but the lucky (or unlucky) intern. The cogs in Nat's brain started churning as she watched Wanda start. The girl's eyes widened with surprise at the sight of the boy, who sent her a small wave in response.

"Boss, your intern." Happy stepped aside, inviting the teenager to introduce himself.

"I'm Peter. Peter Parker." Peter dipped his head slightly in a small nod. "It's nice to meet you." An expression of concern and confusion soon crossed his face as a tingling sensation went through his hand. "Wha- AH!" The intern yelped, his hand floating high above him in a ball of red.

Wanda cackled mischeviously. "I just read your shirt."

Peter looked down at the text that clearly said "If you believe in telekenesis raise my right hand" and frowned. "Right. My bad."

The witch let his hand drop, giggling uncontrollably at her little joke. Nat smirked, glad that Wanda was feeling so open to meeting this new kid.

"I'm Natasha Romanoff. It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr Parker."

"It's a pleasure to meet you too."

The spy watched as Tony and Peter introduced themselves. Something was clicking at the back of her mind, and she couldn't quite put her finger on it. Something about that last name...

They watched as Tony went with his new intern before erupting into a hurried conversation.

"That's him," Wanda said first.



Natasha's eyes widened. "I thought so. Say, have you heard the last name Parker before?"

"Nooooooo... I don't think so... Why?"

"It just sounds familiar." The Russian shrugged. "Oh well. Up for a round of Black Jack?"


Tony lead Peter down to his workshop, consciously relaxing his jaw. He seriously hoped this shy, quiet kid wasn't a total flop. Worst case scenario, he either sends him to Wanda or he boots the kid and doesn't get an intern. That's not bad. Right?

Peter, meanwhile, was silently stressing. What if I mess something up? What if I break something? It's Tony Stark! My flipping idol! And the person who gave me a serious burn! WHAT IF HE KILLS ME!? He mentally shook himself, forcing his overcrowding thoughts to move aside. Tony Stark would never ever ever kill a high school intern. Unless he worked for Hydra or something. Right?

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