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//Clay POV//

When they got home, Clay directed them into their own rooms. Sapnap started unpacking right away, since Clay suggested that he did. George set his suitcase in his separate room but almost immediately went back out into the main room.

His house was sort of just one big room floor. It had a big connected living room and kitchen, but the floorspace was large. Basically, when you walked through the front door, to your right was a huge, open living room and to your left was the kitchen which was big but a little smaller. Then, straight in front of you was a wall with different doors. The first one was next to the kitchen, and it was the bathroom. Next, in order, came the bedrooms: Dream's, George's, and Sapnap's. Then there was a hallway that led to a few more rooms. Dream's room was the biggest, and he had decorated it the way he wanted. He also played Minecraft and games and recorded videos in there, hence the size.

George emerged from his room, Clay clearly seeing his suitcase just sitting there, unopened. He's peeling an orange at the island in the kitchen.

"What? Don't you have unpacking—"

"No," George cuts him off, smiling with a teasing tone. "I'm too lazy to do it right now." He looks around, and peeks in Clay's room. "Oooh, can I go in here, Dream?"

Clay thinks about it for a moment. Did he leave his diary out maybe? Wait, you idiot, you don't even keep a diary. But somehow it feels like a part of himself is still exposed in that room. Letting George see it was scary, but if they were living together for a little while then he guesses it's about time.

"Sure," Clay responds hesitantly. George doesn't hesitate when he opens the door, leaving it open for Clay to follow. Clay sets down the orange and follows, his heart beating nervously.

"Woahh!" George exhales, taking in the walls. The walls had lots of fanart on them, but also mostly just random, personal things. Some things from his childhood, some things from the present. His heart fluttered as he got nervous from George looking at it so openly like this. He felt exposed. He feels a little better when George says, "This is so cool! I love your room so much!" He looks downwards now, at the desks and huge bed. "Oh my god your BED!" He runs towards it and immediately flops on it. Clay melts a little. That was the cutest thing I've ever seen. Of course George would be excited about a big fluffy bed. "Oh. My. God. DREAM! Your bed is so comfortable. I can't believe it. I've never even seen a bed remotely as wonderful as this one. I would never leave my bed if it was like this. How do you get up in the mornings?" Clay suddenly felt pride in his bed, that he had never really thought about before. He got  a lot of money pretty quickly, so he never actually really thought about it. But suddenly a wave of pride falls over him, and he smiles.

"Yeah, it's pretty nice," Clay responds. While he's clearly not as thrilled as George is about his bed, he's happy with it. George's smile takes over his whole face.

"This bed makes me so tired. Wow. I would sleep here forever, honestly."

"You must have jet lag, right? You should probably get some sleep anyways. I'll unpack for you."

"You'll let me SLEEP IN THIS LUXURIOUS BED?" George exclaims, clearly very excited.

Clay nods and scoffs a little. "Well, yeah, of course! What? You're my best friend of course I don't mind."

"Oh my god this is going to be the best sleep I've ever gotten. You don't need to unpack for me, I can do it when I wake up."

"It's okay, I don't have anywhere to be." I doubt you're gonna wake up anytime soon anyways, Georgie. "Do you mind if I pop in and out a little bit? I'll be quiet."

"Oh no, of course, Dream. It's your room anyways. I don't mind." He smiles, and takes off his jacket. He throws it on the opposite side of the bed, and starts to take off his- wait... pants??

"Woah woah woah, what are you doing?"

"Um, I'm not gonna sleep in jeans," George says, laughing.

"Oh. Okay. Do you want me to get you sweatpants maybe?"

"No, it's more comfy this way anyways. Do you not want-"

"No no no no no it's fine! I'll let you sleep now." Clay can feel himself getting red as he pulls open the door. He turns to George on the bed for a tender moment. "Have a good sleep, George." The nickname Georgie almost slips out of his mouth.

"Good night, Dream."

Clay watches him get comfy for a moment. The huge, feathered comforter consumes George, making him look small. His heart flutters as George snuggles into the pillow, holding the blanket to his chin. God, how much he wished he could cuddle him. The pain of not having that drowns Clay as he watches him slowly fall into a steady breathing.

Clay sighs, and leaves the room, returning to the kitchen, where the orange is gone. He turns his head to Sapnap's door and it's shut. Clay smiles again. God, Sapnap. He laughs to himself quietly and goes to get another orange.

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