Quick End

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The days became simpler, dripping with more ease than they were used to. Everything felt right again.

Neither of each other kept them guessing, and everyone was left with a feeling of certainty at the end of the day. It was calming, nice, and an overall wonderful concluding feeling to have.

They would all sit on the couch, like usual, and watch a movie. Dream and George would hold hands and hold each other, and Sapnap would sit on the chair next to the couch. Everything worked out perfectly. Sapnap didn't mind at all. He knew they were happy. In fact, it made him happy.

At the end of the days, Dream and George would switch rooms that they slept in together. They would hold each other all night, sometimes falling asleep to a familiar song on loop— Blueberry Eyes. It made them feel grounded and at home in each other's arms. Without really knowing it, they had both wanted this for so long. Now that they had it, everything felt complete. Whole.

Of course, Sapnap couldn't resist waking up in the middle of the night to snap a pic of them to show later. Whether they cringed at it, laughed at it, or made him delete it, Sapnap didn't care. They all felt good together. It was a perfect sense of being at home with one another.

Eventually, they had to leave.

But they didn't.

They cancelled their plane tickets home and sorted a few more things out. Very soon, it was official.

They lived in the Dream Team house together. For as long as they wanted to. (Most likely, a very very long time.) Sapnap kept empty-threatening to move out every time Dream blasted Blueberry Eyes from the surround-sound system. Dream and George danced to this song so often, and sometimes even Sapnap joined in.

And somehow, the song never got old.

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