George's Gate

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clay pov// (will switch in the middle sometime)

His alarm goes off.


Clay springs up immediately from his bed, surprised he was even able to sleep last night. Despite the butterflies desperately emerging in his stomach, he had managed to get some sleep.

He looks at the outfit he had put out to wear. The outfit George will see him in. The outfit of the first real day of the dream team in real life! It's a collared shirt under a bright blue sweater, simple, and just for George. Accompanied by black jeans and minimal jewelry, like a necklace, that was it. Would George like this? He had thought this over again and again and again last night. He decided this was his best bet. He didn't dress like this all the time, but mostly it was something simple and casual like this.

He puts it on and unplugs his phone from the charger. No texts from anyone, as they were all on the plane as of right now. Clay's stomach almost explodes with butterflies. He can't WAIT.

He gathers everything that was prepared hours before. He's prepared to the extreme. And by prepared to the extreme, he has thought through every moment leading up to when he would bring them home for their stay. He was ready, he wouldn't be caught a bad host.

He got in the car, ready. Ready as in prepared, but also ready to meet them. To see George for the first time. In real life.

Clay clutches his hands on the steering wheel, knuckles going white. "Hold yourself together, Clay," he says quietly and harshly to himself. "It's just George." He breathes and rolls his eyes, knowing that George is bad news all together for him. "I'm in deep shit," he admits, and turns on the car. It roars to life, and Clay's stomach twists.

Here we go.

He parks his car in the huge parking lot and goes into the airport. He's a little early, so he goes and buys fries from McDonalds for himself. He eats them nervously as he sits down near the gate. George's gate. Sapnap's plane came a little later than George's, so they had around 15 minutes of time before Sapnap landed.

5 minutes until he lands. Until George lands.

Clay finishes his fries a few minutes later. It's the fastest he's ever eaten fries in his life. His stomach hurts, and he wishes he didn't buy fries. Although, it's probably not even because of the fries.


His name erupts in Clay's heart, shattering his ability to breathe for a moment. He's gonna land soon. He's about to land is all Clay could think about.

What does he look like in real life? Will it be the same? What if it's too awkward? What if he only likes my online persona? What if he things I'm UGLY? What if he hates me after he meets me? What if-

The gate suddenly opens. People start spewing out. A text message rings from his phone:

I'm off the plane. Where are you?

It's George. Clay's heart beats a million miles an hour out of his chest. Clay responds:

I'm wearing blue, with a white collar. I'm by the seats, I think? You should be able to see me.

Describe yourself.

Clay's breath catches in his throat. Here we go, he thinks, starting to type.

Uh, blonde hair, sort of brown? I have freckles, I guess? Uhh, I'm tall. Like pretty tall. I'm actually significantly taller than a lot of people here. I'm wearing like, dark ocean blue. You should find me pretty easy.

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