Chapter 16: Song of two, Anger of one and curiosity from another.

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In Ruby's mind, there is nothing but light surrounding her; bright light, clouds, and the golden sun beamed in the middle. Ruby blinked in amazement from the beauty but only to be knocked out of her gawk by a silhouette high above in the sky. She stared at the figure, wide eyes and a slightly open mouth whilst stumbling back a bit from the sudden occurrence. "Who...are you...?" Dumfounded by the divine light she saw, her mouth hung open in shock.

The pallid figure just hovered there, staring down at her. "Your time has not come... Live for those who care and love you..." It spoke, though by its voice Ruby could tell it was a woman. She blinked in response then went from shocked to serious.

"Who are you...?" The twin asked, she aimed to grab the hilt of her blade only to realize it wasn't there and looked down to see if it really was.

"Leave the violence for the evil that awaits... Death will befall countless lives but... Will you overcome the evil, that will cause the death of many...?" The mysterious female asked, her voice was monotonous, soft yet content unlike most monotonous people... Which would usually sound colder.

"Wait, what do you mean by the evil that awaits?!" Ruby exclaimed her question this time, anger built up from the confusion. Her teeth clenched, her fists tightened, and her eyes squinted.

"Save those around you... The vow you've made, with your nen... Shall not be in vain. Doth thou wish to protect...? Or to cower in fear of thy life..? The choice is thy's to make...Arch.....Angeeeel...~" The woman softly spoke, prolonging the word Angel more into a loud whisper. She floated away from the twin as the golden sun behind her made her blend in more and more.

"Wait, WHO ARE YOU?!" Ruby shouted to the woman, her own vision began to fade when a bright light took over her sight.

Outside of Ruby's mind, her sister laid by her side and was curled up against her. Rui noticed one of her twin's arms twitch, making her jerk up to see. Ruby kept twitching her head left and right whilst mumbling sounds as though she were sleep-talking.

Ruby's vision went from white to black, consciousness barely there. Through her ears, a faint voice echoed the moment her hearing slowly came back. "Never say never, when we are together... Our hearts are linked, so we'll protect each other. Never say never, when our hearts beat together... Our sisterly-bond will never, sever...~" Ruby's memories made their way into her mind, her childhood in SGSF. They were children, playing around in their secluded room while laughing together.

A few days after, the two children got in trouble. They were put into their confinement with a crying Rui, Ruby didn't know what to do. The only idea she had was to hold her twin and comfort her while singing a little rhyme. She thought of it when she decided to protect her, for as long as she lived. "Never say never, when we are together... Our hearts are linked, so we'll protect each other. Never say never, when our hearts beat together... Our sisterly-bond will never, sever...~ We are not to blame, the world should be shamed... The pain that we gain, we'll make them fade..." Her song had soothed her sister into a deep slumber with her continuous singing and it made the twin's eyes softened.

Hearing that faint voice echo from her ears, made her come back to consciousness and gradually open her eyes. She saw Rui's head towering over hers a bit, her eyes closed and her voice singing the one song, that she had forgotten long ago.

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